Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Voyager 1 Spacecraft to Exit Solar System Soon

Voyager 1
Wow, Voyager 1 is a space probe that was launched in 1977.  After a journey of 33 years it has reached the edge of our solar system.  It is now the furthest man-made object from earth, about 10 billion miles away.

Funny, after three decades it still provides electronic transmission of data back to earth!  That is impressive -- all my electronic stuff breaks way earlier than that.  Well except for a coffee grinder I got in 1976 -- it ground my morning coffee today.

Scientists say this space probe will soon exit our solar system and enter interstellar space.  Well, by "soon" they mean in about four years.  After that, perhaps it will enter another star system sometime in the distant future.  Or to coin a phrase from the Beatniks, "Far Out!"

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