Sunday, December 26, 2010

Feminisim: Ugly Lesbians Who Hate Men?

She Needn't Worry
Robert Stacy McCain is fighting with a feminist today, who swears that McCain is "a misogynist through and through."  There is nothing in McCain's blog that would support the fiction that he is a woman-hater, but facts don't matter to the political-fringe group known as feminists.

The truth is largely this:  feminists hate men and seek to make it mutual.  Their constant clamor about misogyny is just so much psychological projection, a transfer of their own attitudes onto the opposite gender whom they despise.

Years ago, early in my career, I was invited by a female colleague to see a one-woman play in San Francisco about Virgina Woolf.  Woolf is a feminist icon and author who committed suicide sometime around the beginning of World War II.  I was young and very naive.  I figured that feminism must have legitimate complaints about, and solutions to, unfair discrimination against women.  However, the NOW members who attended this one-woman play were generally lesbians who hated men, and that became obvious to me by the end of the play.  From that day forth I discounted feminism and wished nothing more to do with it.

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