Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Left's Deadly Gradualism: Erasing Western Civilization, Bit by Bit

The left's war on Christmas continues.  Since Christmas is an important cultural event that underpins Western Civilization, it must be removed.  The left is patient.  They are determined to erase Western Civilization in a scenario of death by a thousand cuts.  They are boiling the frog by turning up the heat one degree at a time, and we are letting them do it.  Usurpation by gradualism; two steps forward and one step back; transform traditional America into something alien, but not too fast, lest you provoke a backlash or even a revolution.

Obama tried to accelerate the pace and it backfired on him; but the left isn't through by any means.  Obama's rejection is the "one step back;" the two steps forward will happen a little later.

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