Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lawrence Auster Makes Sense on the Birther Issue

Lawrence Auster of View From the Right says Obama's birth certificate continues to be a problem for Obama and that the issue is not going away.  Today he responded to a "birther" about what birthers believe, and separates the wheat from the chaff on what is important:
I've read this comment which must have taken you a while to write. I'm sorry, but I don't want to post it. My reason is this. By throwing out so many aspects of what "birthers" believe,--and some of these beliefs are plainly false, are contrary to U.S. law, and would add massive confusion to the issue, such as the belief that both a person's parents must be U.S. citizens in order for him to be a natural born citizen--you are inadvertently adding to the picture of a "birther" movement that is out of whack, irrational, and to be dismissed.

This is why it is counterproductive to the rational birther movement to bring in all kinds of theories about where Obama may have been born, who his father may have been, etc. Such theories make the birthers and their theories the focus of attention and the problem. By contrast, there is one issue that makes Obama the focus of attention and the problem: We the American people need to see Obama's birth certificate. Let us see it. Why has he refused to release it? This is the one solid, undeniable fact upon which the birthers stand, that Obama's birth certificate has not been released. Birthers who focus on this cannot not credibly be dismissed as nutcases. This is the issue that even some liberals are, despite themselves, and despite their belief that birthers are crazy anti-Obama haters, starting to recognize as a legitimate problem for Obama. 
Read it all here.

Unfortunately, there are some conservative bloggers who are played like a harp by the liberal media, and have jumped on the anti-birther bandwagon.  The fact is, Obama has never released his actual birth certificate and until he does, this issue will not go away -- nor should it.

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