Sunday, December 26, 2010

Global Warming Is Freezing the Planet: or Why to Never Believe Liberals

Iced-Over by Global Warming
Investors Business Daily has a great article today, "The Abiding Faith of Warm-Ongers."  They write:
No matter what happens, it always confirms their basic premise that the world is getting hotter. The weather turns cold and wet? It's global warming, they say. Weather turns hot? Global warming. No change? Global warming. More hurricanes? Global warming. No hurricanes? You guessed it.
IBD has it right.  There is no truth but that which furthers the revolution.  All weather patterns and climate phenomena must be interpreted as "global warming."

The new meme out of the climate-statists is that the freezing weather is just a by-product of global warming.  It changes nothing in their view:  we must have a one-world government and it must have far-reaching power over industry, the private sector and the citizenry.  Individual freedom, capitalism and prosperity all must be sacrificed to save the world from the impending doom of man-made global warming.  Whether the impending doom actually exists or not is irrelevant.  It is the goal that is important; AGW is just the latest excuse.

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