Saturday, December 11, 2010

Free Amanda Knox Now

Amanda Knox Appears in Court to Appeal
Her Murder Conviction
Amanda Knox is back in court in Italy, appealing her dubious conviction of the murder of a roommate, one Meredith Kercher.  Three years ago, Knox was an American student studying in Italy.  She lived in a house with several other students.  One student, Meredith Kercher, was found dead in her room with her throat slit.

Knox and her boyfriend found Kercher's door locked, and when no one responded to their knocking, they called the police.  Strangely enough, Knox and her boyfriend were soon accused of the crime, even though there was no obvious motive.

Later, a drug dealer was convicted of the rape and murder of Kercher and sentenced to a long term.  However, a rogue Italian prosecutor insisted on prosecuting Knox and her boyfriend.  This same prosecutor was later convicted of illegal methods in another trial and has a reputation for personal ruthlessness.

Knox was subjected to hours of interrogation and under extreme pressure to admit a role in the slaying.  She finally did testify to a false scenario involving another party who allegedly murdered Kercher.  This testimony was later proven to be completely false, so why would she give false testimony unless it was to cover up her own guilt?

That question is easy to answer.  It is not difficult to obtain false testimony by putting a witness under duress.  I saw this demonstrated in a television program a few months ago.  A man from Brazil was suspected of killing a woman in a forested area; the American prosecutor was so sure the suspect did it, that he interrogated the suspect long and hard, insisting that the suspect confess.  The suspect finally did confess, telling the prosecutor what he wanted to hear.  It was later found that the man had been in Brazil at the time of the murder and could not possibly have participated in the crime.  His confession under duress was completely false.  Another prosecutor on the same show explained that it is not difficult to obtain false confessions using aggressive interrogation methods.

Confessions under duress are often false, and this is exactly what happened to Amanda Knox.  Both she and her boyfriend should be freed at once, and the rogue prosecutor given Knox's cell in her absence.

Related website:  Injustice in Perugia, a site detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox and Raffael Sollecito.

Related articles:
Amanda Knox Verdict:  Guilty of Murder
Amanda Knox / Meredith Kercher:  Rare Video of the Crime Scene
Doubts Grow as to Fairness of the Amanda Knox Conviction
Amanda Knox Conviction Questioned
Ann Coulter is Wrong on Amanda Knox: Claims Knox is Guilty on O'Reilly Factor
Amanda Knox Prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini, Convicted of "Abuse of Office"
A New Bombshell in the Amanda Knox Conviction:  She Didn't Do It

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