Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year from Saber Point!

2008 was bad.
2009 was a flaming disaster.
2010 totally sucked -- well, except for the midterm elections, which turned a lot of Democrats out of office.

2011?  It's one year closer to 2012 and the end of an error.  Have hope.

Happy New Year!

New Mexico Governor Denies Pardon to Billy the Kid; the Kid Comments

Billy the Kid reacts to being denied a pardon!
Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, after reflection, denies a pardon to famous Western outlaw Billy the Kid.

The governor explains his decision:

"It was a very close call. I've been working on this for eight years. The romanticism appealed to me to issue a pardon, but the facts and the evidence did not support it and I've got to be responsible especially when a governor is issuing pardons," Richardson said.

Richardson said that Billy the Kid's decision to continue to kill after the pardon wasn't granted to him impacted his decision.

"What I think maybe tipped the scales with me is that Billy went ahead after not getting this pardon and killed two deputies, two law enforcement individuals, two innocents," Richardson said.
Read it all here.

Grave of Billy the Kid with protective cage
Who was Billy the Kid you say?  He was an outlaw in New Mexico who was killed in 1881. Billy was considered so dangerous that he was buried in a jail cell to prevent his ghost from continuing to murder people.  See image.

P.S.  Just kidding.  The cage around Billy's grave was to prevent tourists from chipping off souvenir pieces from the tombstone.

2010: A Disastrous Year for Barack Obama

From the U.K. Telegraph, we learn why 2010 was a terrible year for Barack Obama and why 2011 won't be any better:
The political landscape still looks strikingly bleak for the “transformational president” as he goes into 2011. 2010 was a stunningly bad year for Barack Obama, no matter how much the likes of The New York Times or The Washington Post might try to sugar coat it. Here are four key reasons why it was a year Obama will want to forget:

1. The midterm elections were a defeat of epic proportions for the Obama Presidency

When Barack Obama spoke of a “shellacking” at the midterms, it was a huge understatement. The Republicans scored a significantly bigger win than they did in 1994, with their biggest gain in the House of Representatives in 62 years – since 1948. Fortunately for the Democrats, just 37 Senate seats were up for election, preventing what would have been an almost certain handover of power in the upper house too. Republicans also made huge gains at the gubernatorial level, with the GOP now holding 29 governorships to the Democrats’ 20. Republicans also picked up 680 seats in state legislatures, the highest figure in the modern era.
Read the rest here.

GOP controlled House will read US Constitution aloud

The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments t...Image via WikipediaTwo new rules will give Constitution a starring role in GOP-controlled House: "When Republicans take over the House next week, they will do something that apparently has never been done before in the chamber's 221-year history:" They will read the US Constitution aloud.
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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Could it actually be Mike Huckabee? - War Room -

SDEROT, ISRAEL - AUGUST 19:  Former Arkansas G...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeCould it actually be Mike Huckabee? - War Room -
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Huckabee's strength

Mike HuckabeeImage by NewsHour via FlickrHuckabee's strength - Ben Smith - "A new national CNN poll shows that Sarah Palin lost ground among Republican voters, with 49 percent backing a potential presidential bid. That's an 18-percentage-point drop from when the same question was asked in December 2008. On the other hand, Mike Huckabee is showing formidable strength:"
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Obama's Birth Certificate: Legitimate Questions Still Go Unanswered

Neil Abercrombie, new Democrat governor of Hawaii, revived the Obama birth certificate controversy this week.  He publicly announced that he was determined to refute and rebut all theories, questions and doubts about Obama's Hawaiian birth.  All he did was to reignite the debate:  was Obama born in Hawaii or Kenya? And why doesn't Obama release his long-form birth certificate and settle the issue once and for all?

Some media reports state that Obama has spent around two million dollars in court to avoid releasing the long-form birth certificate.   Is it because he really does have something to hide?  What other plausible explanation is there?

These are legitimate questions, in spite of the left's frenzied attempts to shout down, marginalize and denigrate those who are asking them.  A case in point is Wikipedia's highly biased page on the issue, in which doubters and skeptics are called a "fringe" group and "conspiracy theorists" comparable to the 9/11 Truthers.  Ridiculous!

Mondo Frazier at Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts says the left is using Alinsky tactics to shut down discussion of the subject.  They do this by substituting scorn and ridicule for reasoned arguments.  However, their tactic isn't working:  a recent poll shows large numbers of Americans have their doubts about the facts of Obama's birthplace.

Now there are even  people on the left who are asking the obvious question:  "Why doesn't Obama just release the birth certificate?"  Chris Matthews of Hard Ball said:
"Why doesn't the president just say, 'Send me a copy right now?' Why doesn't Gibbs and Axelrod say, 'Let's just get this crappy story dead?' Why not do it? ... If it exists, why not put it out?"
Matthews was joined by Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune and David Corn of Mother Jones, who both agreed with the call for Obama to publicly release the document and end the controversy.

Here are some hard facts:
1.  A short-form Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) is not irrefutable proof of Obama's birth place.  In 2008, a liberal website, the Daily Kos, published a COLB purporting to be that of Barack Obama.  Digital analysis indicated that it was a forgery.  A COLB does not specify the hospital or doctor involved in the birth and offers very little information.  Further, there are rumors on the internet that Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro, was born in Indonesia but also was issued a Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth, allegedly proving that a COLB is not the final answer.  I have not verified the accuracy of these rumors, but they again furnish a strong reason why Obama should release his long-form birth certificate, if only to spike such rumors.

2.  A newspaper announcement is not a legal substitute for a long form birth certificate.   A couple of Hawaiian newspapers have released microfiche copies of their 1961 pages announcing Obama's birth.  Such clippings are evidence, but not conclusive -- could they just be repeating unverified and even inaccurate information supplied to them?

3.  A Congressional resolution is not proof of Obama's birth place.  This proves absolutely nothing.

4.  A Wall Street Journal article is not a birth certificate.  James Taranto has been a useful idiot on the birth certificate question from the beginning, and his opinion does not constitute persuasive proof of Obama's place of birth.

5.  The ONLY item that will prove Obama's place of birth is the long-form birth certificate.  I am willing to be convinced, but only by that item.  There is sufficient doubt that one exists, and that doubt can only be overcome by releasing the official document.  Any other discussion short of that release is mere rhetoric, rationalization or opinion and devoutly to be ignored.

DADT Repeal Could Foreshadow GOP Generational Split

RealClearPoliticsImage via WikipediaRealClearPolitics - DADT Repeal Could Foreshadow GOP Generational Split
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N.H. must retain gay marriage

LOS ANGELES, CA - MARCH 04:  Wesley Gann and J...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeN.H. must retain gay marriage | "It should come as no surprise that opponents of the New Hampshire same-sex marriage law have filed legislation to repeal it. Such a move was expected — especially now that the N.H. House and Senate have Republican majorities.

The law was passed to much fanfare in June 2009, setting the stage for gay and lesbian citizens of the state to marry starting Jan. 1, 2010. Since then, said former state representative and bill sponsor Jim Splaine of Portsmouth, about 3,000 same-sex couples have wed."
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NOM Promotes Tennessee Anti-Gay Marriage Billboards | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel

NOM Promotes Tennessee Anti-Gay Marriage Billboards | On Top Magazine :: Gay & Lesbian News, Entertainment, Commentary & Travel
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Boycotting CPAC Over the Presence of Gay Conservatives

CPAC, or the Conservative Political Action Conference, is scheduled for February in Washington, D.C. However, a gay conservative organization, GOProud, has become a co-sponsor of CPAC. This has resulted in some socially conservative organizations boycotting the CPAC conference for 2011.

To those boycotting organizations, I have a simple message: grow up.

People who are gay are born that way and can't help it. They don't become gay merely for the purpose of pissing you off.  It is a question of biology, not ideology; the latter can be changed with persuasion but the former cannot.  The social conservatives who are so adamantly hostile to gay conservatives seem to operate under this erroneous assumption:  you could be straight if you really wanted to be.

Further, ostracizing gays and treating them like lepers will absolutely NOT turn them into heterosexuals. This doesn't mean you have to approve of gay marriage or men wearing dresses to social events (I don't), or public displays of gay intimacy (barf), or gays in the military, where there may be sound reasons for your disapproval (e.g., its effects on military morale and cohesion).

However, there are some very good conservatives who happen to be gay. Tammy Bruce is one of them. GOProud believes in a lot of conservative principles that I support (with the exception of the repeal of DADT, which I opposed). Per Wikipedia:
GOProud's mission is to represent gay conservatives and their allies, emphasizing conservative principles such as limited government, individual liberty, and national defense over what are usually considered bedrock issues of gay politics such as same-sex marriage, criminalizing targeted violence against gays and lesbians, and recognition of sexual orientation as a protected civil rights class.

GOProud supports repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell,[5] promotes broader Second Amendment rights [6] and opposes a Federal amendment defining marriage. GOProud "focuses strictly on federal issues which means that, institutionally, they don't take a position on state policy issues like same sex marriage."[7]
Robert Stacy McCain has stated that you should never give your enemies a stick to beat you with.  The so-called social conservatives boycotting CPAC are doing just that.

Lawrence Auster Makes Sense on the Birther Issue

Lawrence Auster of View From the Right says Obama's birth certificate continues to be a problem for Obama and that the issue is not going away.  Today he responded to a "birther" about what birthers believe, and separates the wheat from the chaff on what is important:
I've read this comment which must have taken you a while to write. I'm sorry, but I don't want to post it. My reason is this. By throwing out so many aspects of what "birthers" believe,--and some of these beliefs are plainly false, are contrary to U.S. law, and would add massive confusion to the issue, such as the belief that both a person's parents must be U.S. citizens in order for him to be a natural born citizen--you are inadvertently adding to the picture of a "birther" movement that is out of whack, irrational, and to be dismissed.

This is why it is counterproductive to the rational birther movement to bring in all kinds of theories about where Obama may have been born, who his father may have been, etc. Such theories make the birthers and their theories the focus of attention and the problem. By contrast, there is one issue that makes Obama the focus of attention and the problem: We the American people need to see Obama's birth certificate. Let us see it. Why has he refused to release it? This is the one solid, undeniable fact upon which the birthers stand, that Obama's birth certificate has not been released. Birthers who focus on this cannot not credibly be dismissed as nutcases. This is the issue that even some liberals are, despite themselves, and despite their belief that birthers are crazy anti-Obama haters, starting to recognize as a legitimate problem for Obama. 
Read it all here.

Unfortunately, there are some conservative bloggers who are played like a harp by the liberal media, and have jumped on the anti-birther bandwagon.  The fact is, Obama has never released his actual birth certificate and until he does, this issue will not go away -- nor should it.

Anti-gay boycott of conservative powwow gains steam - War Room -

CpacImage via WikipediaAnti-gay boycott of conservative powwow gains steam - War Room -
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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)

Chris Matthews at presidential debate in Dearb...Image via WikipediaChris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)
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A Kinder, Left-ier CPAC

Weigel : A Kinder, Left-ier CPAC
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Lawyer Cites Gay Marriage to Defend Professor Accused of Incest :: EDGE on the Net

NYC - Columbia University - Alma Mater and Low...Image by wallyg via FlickrLawyer Cites Gay Marriage to Defend Professor Accused of Incest :: EDGE on the Net
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Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 'most admired' man and woman in US - Telegraph

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton 'most admired' man and woman in US - TelegraphBarack Obama and Hillary Clinton 'most admired' man and woman in US
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More Backlash Against the "Global Warming" Alarmists

Disgust among the populace seems to be growing as AGW alarmists blame the freezing weather on "global warming."  There's a new article on the subject in Forbes today, "Hot Sensations vs Cold Facts" by Larry Bell.  According to Bell, some of the claims of melting icebergs and rising sea levels are not based on actual observation, but on the notorious computer models that have proven highly dubious.

With the right "computer model," one could "prove" that the sky is falling.  It's all in the programming and the assumptions fed into it.  However, any contrary news that seems to rebut global warming is ignored by the mainstream press.  Bell writes:
As 2010 draws to a close, do you remember hearing any good news from the mainstream media about climate? Like maybe a headline proclaiming "Record Low 2009 and 2010 Cyclonic Activity Reported: Global Warming Theorists Perplexed"? Or "NASA Studies Report Oceans Entering New Cooling Phase: Alarmists Fear Climate Science Budgets in Peril"? Or even anything bad that isn't blamed on anthropogenic (man-made) global warming--of course other than what is attributed to George W. Bush? (Conveniently, the term "AGW" covers both.)
Read it all here.

Meanwhile, a British meteorologist and global warming skeptic, one Piers Corbyn, went on Fox News to claim that more brutal winters are coming.  Corbyn denounced the "failed science" of global warming and says the earth is actually in a cooling phase.  An article in Mediaite states:
Predicting in November that winter in Europe would be “exceptionally cold and snowy, like Hell frozen over at times,” Corbyn suggested we should sooner prepare for another Ice Age than worry about global warming. Corbyn believed global warming “is complete nonsense, it’s fiction, it comes from a cult ideology. There’s no science in there, no facts to back [it] up.” Furthermore, he disputed the underlying assumption of most scientists, arguing that higher carbon dioxide levels does not actually have the effect of increasing temperature, and instead global warming supporters “fiddle the facts to justify political attacks.”
Read it all here.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Mike Tuggle's Article Reprinted in the Salisbury Post

Mike Tuggle's article about the Free Trade Agreement with Korea has been printed in a local newspaper.

Read it here.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

True Love: Hugh Hefner, 84, to Wed Crystal Harris, 24

It was announced over Twitter that Hugh Hefner, 84 year-old perpetual adolescent, has given an engagement ring to Playmate Crystal Harris, 24. We have it from a good source that Hefner walkered himself into the room and gave Harris a big red lollipop -- the ring was embedded therein and Harris discovered it on the 23rd lick.  "Ooooh, a ring," she squealed, as she dropped her Barbie Doll and danced a jig around the room.  "Does it squirt water?  Is it a magic decoding ring?" she asked.

The happy couple has much in common:  Hefner remembers World War II and Crystal remembers last week.  Hefner loves Benny Goodman and Big Band music while Crystal loves Hip Hop and Rap.  Hefner is a fan of Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. Crystal is a fan of SpongeBob SquarePants.

What will this twosome do when they aren't having hot sex?  Probably have deeply intellectual conversations about mysticism, quantum mechanics, federalism vs anti-federalism, string theory, parallel universes and the physics of black holes (the ones in space).  Or maybe Hugh will just fall asleep while Crystal plays video games.  Yeah, probably the latter.

Hugh baby, you made it to 84 and haven't yet figured it out:  there's a big difference between a sex partner and a soul mate.   At your age you should be far more concerned with the latter than the former.  HINT:  a soul mate is someone who would marry you even if you weren't filthy rich. Does Crystal really fit that definition?

Global Warming Is Freezing the Planet: or Why to Never Believe Liberals

Iced-Over by Global Warming
Investors Business Daily has a great article today, "The Abiding Faith of Warm-Ongers."  They write:
No matter what happens, it always confirms their basic premise that the world is getting hotter. The weather turns cold and wet? It's global warming, they say. Weather turns hot? Global warming. No change? Global warming. More hurricanes? Global warming. No hurricanes? You guessed it.
IBD has it right.  There is no truth but that which furthers the revolution.  All weather patterns and climate phenomena must be interpreted as "global warming."

The new meme out of the climate-statists is that the freezing weather is just a by-product of global warming.  It changes nothing in their view:  we must have a one-world government and it must have far-reaching power over industry, the private sector and the citizenry.  Individual freedom, capitalism and prosperity all must be sacrificed to save the world from the impending doom of man-made global warming.  Whether the impending doom actually exists or not is irrelevant.  It is the goal that is important; AGW is just the latest excuse.

German Parliamentary leader says gays have no rights to children

Design for the german Parliament (the Reichstag).Image via Wikipedia

Volker Kauder, the parliamentary leader of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats, said on Monday that homosexual couples had no right to have children.

Kauder: Gays have no right to children - The Local
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Feminisim: Ugly Lesbians Who Hate Men?

She Needn't Worry
Robert Stacy McCain is fighting with a feminist today, who swears that McCain is "a misogynist through and through."  There is nothing in McCain's blog that would support the fiction that he is a woman-hater, but facts don't matter to the political-fringe group known as feminists.

The truth is largely this:  feminists hate men and seek to make it mutual.  Their constant clamor about misogyny is just so much psychological projection, a transfer of their own attitudes onto the opposite gender whom they despise.

Years ago, early in my career, I was invited by a female colleague to see a one-woman play in San Francisco about Virgina Woolf.  Woolf is a feminist icon and author who committed suicide sometime around the beginning of World War II.  I was young and very naive.  I figured that feminism must have legitimate complaints about, and solutions to, unfair discrimination against women.  However, the NOW members who attended this one-woman play were generally lesbians who hated men, and that became obvious to me by the end of the play.  From that day forth I discounted feminism and wished nothing more to do with it.

Blogs Named After the Blogger's Sexual Orientation

Come and Get It
I don't feel comfortable with blogs named after the blogger's sexual orientation, i.e. "A Conservative Lesbian" or "A Conservative She-Male."  I suppose that such appellations can have a legitimate purpose, e.g. as in "Gay Patriot" desiring to spread conservative politics and economics to the gay community; however, I still don't feel 100% comfortable with it.

Here are some ideas for those who disagree, on possible blog names based on sexual preference or orientation:
  • A Missionary Position Conservative
  • Chicken Suit Conservatives
  • Swinging From the Chandelier in Shreveport
  • A Foot Fetishist In Frisco
  • A Conservative With His Freak On
  • A Conservative Exhibitionist
  • Cross-Dressing Conservatives
  • A Conservative Horn-Dog In Hanover
  • Gettin' Lucky in Louisville
  • A Raunchy Right-Winger in Riverside
Well you get the idea.  Have fun in the bedroom, but really, I don't want to know about it.  

john cena pics best

John Felix Anthony Cena(pronounced /ˈsiːnə/; born April 23, 1977) is an American actor, rapper, and professional wrestler employed by World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) on its Raw brand.In WWE, Cena has won fifteen championships in total, including nine World Titles (having won the WWE Championship seven times and the World Heavyweight Championship twice). In addition, Cena has also won the WWE United States Championship three times the World Tag Team Championship twice (once with Shawn Michaels, once with Batista) and the WWE Tag Team Championship once (with David Otunga). Cena also won the 2008 Royal Rumble match, and the 2009 Superstar of the Year Slammy AwardCena started his professional wrestling career in 2000, wrestling for Ultimate Pro Wrestling, where he held the UPW Heavyweight Championship. In 2001, Cena signed a contract with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and was sent to Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) where he held the OVW Heavyweight Championship and the OVW Southern Tag Team Championship (with Rico Constantino).Outside of wrestling, Cena has released the rap album You Can't See Me, which debuted at #15 on the US Billboard 200 chart, and starred in the feature films The Marine (2006), 12 Rounds (2009), and Legendary (2010). Cena has also made appearances on television shows including Manhunt, Deal or No Deal, MADtv, Saturday Night Live, Punk'd, and Psych. Cena was also a contestant on Fast Cars and Superstars: The Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race, where he made it to the final round before being eliminated, placing third in the overall competition.Contents* 1 Early life
* 2 Professional wrestling career
o 2.1 Training
o 2.2 World Wrestling Entertainment (2002–present)
+ 2.2.1 Debut (2002–2003)
+ 2.2.2 United States Champion and WWE Champion (2004–2005)
+ 2.2.3 Various feuds and injury (2006–2007)
+ 2.2.4 Return from injury (2008–2010)
+ 2.2.5 Feud with Nexus (2010-present)
* 3 Other media
o 3.1 Film
+ 3.1.1 Filmography
o 3.2 Guest appearances
o 3.3 Television
o 3.4 Endorsements
o 3.5 Fashion
o 3.6 Music
* 4 Personal life
* 5 In wrestling
* 6 Championships and accomplishments
* 7 References
* 8 Further reading
* 9 External links Early lif
Cena was born April 23, 1977, in West Newbury, Massachusetts,the son of Carol and John Cena, Sr. He is the second eldest of five brothers – Dan, Matt, Steve, and Sean. After graduating from Cushing Academy, Cena attended Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts In college he was a Division III All-American center on the college football teamwearing the number 54which is still used on some of his WWE merchandise graduated from Springfield in 1998 with a degree in exercise physiology after which he pursued a career bodybuilding and also worked as a chauffeur for a limousine companyProfessional wrestling careerTraining
Cena started training to become a professional wrestler in 2000 at the California-based "Ultimate University" operated by Ultimate Pro Wrestling. Once he was placed into an in-ring role, Cena began using a semi-robotic character known as The Prototype Some of this period of his career was documented in the Discovery Channel program Inside Pro Wrestling School While in UPW, Cena held the UPW Heavyweight Championship for just shy of a month in April 2000 In 2001, he signed a developmental contract with the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and was assigned to its developmental territory Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW)During his time there, Cena wrestled as both The Prototype and Mr. P, and held the OVW Heavyweight Championship for three months and the OVW Southern Tag Team Championship (with Rico Constantino) for two monthsWorld Wrestling Entertainment (2002–present)
Debut (2002–2003Cena performing an FU (now "Attitude Adjustment") to Kurt Angle.
Cena made his television debut answering an open challenge by Kurt Angle on June 27, 2002Inspired by a speech given by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon to the rising stars of the company, exhorting them to show "ruthless aggression" to earn a place among the legends, Cena took advantage of the opportunity and almost beat Angle kicking out of his finishing move, the Angle Slam and enduring the ankle lock submission holdCena ultimately lost to a hard amateur wrestling-style pin. Following the near-win, Cena became a fan favorite and started feuding with Chris Jericho In October, Cena and Billy Kidman took part in a tag team tournament to crown the first WWE Tag Team Champions of the SmackDown! brand, losing in the first round The next week, Cena turned on and attacked Kidman, blaming him for their loss, beco
after the Kidman attack, on a Halloween themed episode of SmackDown, Cena dressed as Vanilla Ice performing a freestyle rap next week, Cena received a new character: a rapper who cut promos while rhyming. As the gimmick grew, Cena began adopting a variant of the 1980s WWF logo — dropping the " as his "signature symbol", along with the slogan "Word Life".Moreover, he was joined by an enforcer, Bull Buchanan, who was rechristened B-2 (also written B² and pronounced "B-Squared") Buchanan was later replaced by Red Dogg until he was sent to the Raw brand in February.For the first half of 2003, Cena sought the WWE Championship and chased the reigning champion, Brock Lesnar, performing weekly "freestyles" challenging him to matches During the feud, Cena unveiled a new finishing maneuver: the FU, a Fireman's carry powerslam, named to mock Lesnar's F-5.Cena won a number one contenders tournament against Lesnar at Backlash. However, Cena was defeated by Lesnar At the end of the year, Cena became a fan favorite again when he joined Kurt Angle as a member of his team at Survivor SeriesUnited States Champion and WWE Champion (2004–2005)
Cena, wearing his customized U.S. Championship beltIn early 2004, Cena participated in the Royal Rumble match at the 2004 Royal Rumble making it to the final six before being eliminated by Big Show. The Royal Rumble elimination led to a feud with Big Show which Cena won the United States Championship from Big Show at WrestleMania XX During his reign, Cena came into contention with SmackDown General Manager Kurt Angle over issues arising with René Duprée and Torrie Wilson The reign ended almost four months later, when he was stripped of the belt on July 8 by Angle after he (kayfabe, accidentally) knocked him over, thus attacking an official won the championship back defeating Booker T in a best of five series that culminated at No Mercy only to lose it to the debuting Carlito Caribbean Cool the next week After the loss to Carlito, the duo began a feud, which Cena was kayfabe stabbed in the kidney while at a Boston-area nightclub by Carlito's bodyguard, Jesús.This worked injury was used to keep Cena out of action for a month, while Cena was filming The Marine.[26] Immediately on his return in November, Cena won the United States Championship back from Carlito debuting a "custom made" spinner-style championship beltCena took part in the 2005 Royal Rumble match, making it to the final two. Cena and Raw brand wrestler Batista went over the top rope at the same time, ostensibly ending the match. Vince McMahon, however, appeared on stage and re-started the match in sudden death rules, with Batista eventually eliminating Cena. The next month, Cena defeated Kurt Angle to earn a spot in the SmackDown brand's WrestleMania 21 main event match beginning a feud with WWE Champion John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL) and his Cabinet in the process. In the early stages of the feud, Cena lost his US belt to Cabinet member Orlando Jordan who proceeded to "blow up" the spinner championship with JBL and returning a more traditional style belCena defeated JBL at WrestleMania winning the WWE Championship, giving Cena his first world championship Cena then had a spinner WWE Championship belt madewhile JBL took the original belt and claimed to still be WWE Champion Cena reclaimed the original belt in an "I Quit" match at Judgment DayCena was drafted to the Raw brand on the June 6, 2005, becoming the first wrestler selected by General Manager Eric Bischoff in the annual draft lotteryCena immediately entered a feud with Bischoff, after refusing to participate in the "war" against the Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW) roster at One Night Stand.With Bischoff vowing to make Cena's stint on Raw difficult, he hand picked Jericho to take Cena's championship from him.l During their feud, even though Cena was portrayed as the fan favorite and Jericho as the vlain, a vocal section of live crowds, nonetheless, were booing Cena during their matches More crowds followed suit during Cena's next feud with Kurt Angle took over as Bischoff's hand-picked number-one contender after Cena defeated Jericho in a You're Fired match on the August 22 Raw As the feud continued and the dissenters grew more vocal, sometimes seeming to outnumber fans by wide marginsthe announce team was forced to acknowledge the booing on television and began calling Cena a "controversial champion", claiming some people disliking him on account of his "in-ring style" and his chosen fashion.Despite the mixed and negative reactions, Cena held on to his championship through his feud with Angle, losing to him by disqualificatio which titles do not change hands in WWE — at Unforgiven and pinning him at Survivor Series feud with Angle also saw Cena add a secondary, submission based, finishing maneuver – the STFU (a Stepover Toehold Sleeper, though named for a Stepover Toehold Facelock) – when he was put into a Triple Threat Submissions Only match on the November 28 Rawjohn cena
john cena
john cena
john cena
john cena
john cena
john cena
john cena
john cena
john cena

amna haq pakistani stars top

Aaminah Haq (Urdu: ﺁﻣﻨﮫ ﺣﻖ, also variously spelled Aamina Haq and Amna Haq) is a Pakistani model and actress more famous as a Lux model and for her role in the television drama Mehndi.
Contents* 1 Early life
* 2 Career
o 2.1 Acting
o 2.2 As a model
o 2.3 As a writer
* 3 Personal life
* 4 Television serials
* 5 Music videos
* 6 References
* 7 External links
Early lifeHaq was born in Lahore, Pakistan on 4 November 1972. The daughter of former Chief Minister and Governor of Punjab, Mustafa Khar and his fifth wife, Shezade Nilofar Haq, she is the only child. Career ActingOver the years, Haq has acted in a number of Urdu dramas. Her serials such as Chaandni Raatain and Ghulam Gardish have been well receivedHaq's magnum opus in drama is considered to be Mehndi: The Color of Emotions. The drama became popular not only for its storyline, but also for the acting by various actors. Haq's acting, in particular, won praise from criticsAs a modelShe is a professional model who has worked with many designers in PakistanHaq has modelled for a large number of magazines, including She, Libas, Visage, Women's Own, Fashion Collection and Newsline.She also hosted three seasons of Lux Style ki Duniya, and hosted a chat show for Aag TV, called the Aaminah Haq ShowAs a writer
Haq wrote a column, "GirlFriday" for several years, followed by a string of articles for several publications In 2009, she joined the Buksh Group as the Editor-in-Chief for their in-house publication to be released later this yeaPersonal lifeIn mid-2008, the actress-model became engaged to Ammar Belal, a model and fashion designer; the two had been good friends for quite a while by the The couple got married in 2009 serials Aina
* Chaandni Raatain
* Chupke Chupke
* Doorian
* Jaye Kahan Yeh Dil
* Mehndi
* Nigah
* Ghulam Gardish
* Aap Jaisa Ko amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq
amna haq