Friday, September 23, 2011

Photoshop Caricature of Rick Perry

My effort for today.  Not too bad, I think.  It's a bit more realistic than the one of Obama in the prior post.

This Photoshop CS5 comes with some really great built-in brushes, that can be used to create realistic hair.  I like that new feature a lot.

As for Governor Perry, it seems he blew it at the last Republican debate this week.  He openly opposes any effective means of stopping illegal immigration and believes Texans should pay for educating the children of illegal aliens.  By admitting this in the debate, Perry has effectively taken himself out of the race.

Too bad.  His failure gives further impetus to the candidacy of RINO Mitt Romney, who appears in the ascendancy.

If we Republicans can't come up with anyone better than these Democrat-lite RINOs, our future as a party is very much in doubt.

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