Saturday, September 24, 2011

Giuliano Mignini: the Clown of Perugia, Prosecutor of Amanda Knox

Giuliano Mignini is the Italian prosecutor in the Amanda Knox case.  He has a history of ruthless and unhinged behavior.  He is a bully who has frequently abused the power of his office to arrest, jail (without charges or trial), sue and otherwise harrass people he doesn't like.  Yesterday in court, Mignini made his closing arguments as to why the two innocent people that he framed should continue to waste their lives in jail, repeating many of the same lies and disproven accusations in his final argument.  Incredibly, even after the prosecution's DNA evidence was thrown out, even after their key witness was shown to be a lying heroin addict, they argued that Knox's sentence be increased to life imprisonment and six months in solitary confinement.

Today I am celebrating the worthless career of Giuliano Mignini, the corrupt prosecutor of Perugia, Italy who has personally disgraced the Italian system of justice with his bizarre theories of satanic rituals and sex games, prosecuting innocents on the basis of nothing but his wild imagination, personal biases and vendettas.

 Here is some of his history, from the website Injustice In Perugia:
Shortly after Amanda and Raffaele were convicted, Mignini himself, was convicted. You can read an update about Mignini's conviction at the bottom of this page. Mignini was convicted of prosecutorial misconduct for his abuses committed during the Monster of Florence case. He received a sixteen month sentence for abuse of office and bugging journalists in connection with the Francesco Narducci (Monster of Florence) case.

There was a series of murders that occurred in Italy during the 1970s and 80s. The perpetrator of the murders was given the name "Monster of Florence" by the press. Young couples who were parked in remote areas presumably to have sex, were shot and the bodies of the female victims were mutilated. Crime experts believed that the perpetrator was a Jack the Ripper type killer. Mignini got involved in the Monster of Florence case while investigating the death of Dr. Francesco Narducci, whose drowned corpse was found in a lake near Perugia. Mignini was far from an expert in these types of murders. He was a conspiracy theorist that liked to dream up wild fantasies. Mignini's theory was that the young couples were murdered so that their body parts could be used in rituals by satanic cults. Mignini believed that Dr. Narducci belonged to this cult, but he had become a security risk, so other cult members decided to kill him and make it look like an accident or suicide.

His theory was challenged by author Douglas Preston and his writing partner Mario Spezi. Douglas and Mario decided to write a book about the Monster of Florence. They both agreed that Mignini's theory was ridiculous. Mario Spezi stated so publicly. Mignini didn't like being challenged. Mignini had Spezi's office ransacked and he bugged his car. Mignini interrogated Preston and forced him to leave the country. Mignini arrested Spezi and threw him in jail. After three weeks in solitary confinement for no reason whatsoever, a judge ordered Spezi released despite Mignini's objections.

Mario Spezi's arrest drew the attention of CPJ, The Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent, nonpartisan organization dedicated to defending the rights of journalists worldwide. CPJ released a letter in regard to Spezi's arrest.

Douglas Preston was interrogated by Mignini. He was accused of being an accessory to murder involving the Monster of Florence case. He was made to believe that he would never see his family again. He thought he was going to an Italian prison. Preston says that his knees were shaking. He could hardly walk when he stood up. He was terrified. Mignini successfully forced Preston to leave Italy. Read all about the Monster of Florence case from Douglas Preston: A true crime story By Douglas Preston.

Mignini attacks anyone who disagrees with him. Spezi and Preston simply disagreed with Mignini's view of a crime. Mignini tried to destroy their lives. Mignini's tactics didn't change during Amanda and Raffaele's trial. Once again, Mignini attacked his critics. He has filed defamation charges against anyone that has publicly dared to disagree with him. Mignini has used these lawsuits to embarrass Amanda & Raffaele. He has attacked their families and their lawyers. He has used these lawsuits in an attempt to put fear into the minds of journalists in hopes to silence them. Here is a list of Mignini's lawsuits. The count stands at twelve. Who's next?
Considering Mignini's ruthless behavior and extreme abuse of power, one might legitimately ask:  why is this jackass still operating within the Italian justice system?  He should be fired and begin serving the jail sentence for his recent conviction.

Related posts:  Amanda Knox Case: Discredited Prosecutor Pitches Prejudice

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