Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pro-Terry Jones Forces Begin to Coalesce; Ann Barnhardt Denounces General Petraeus and Senator Graham

Terry Jones, Last American Standing
With all the world demeaning Pastor Terry Jones as an "idiot," a "moron," or a "dope," some few voices are emerging to support Jones.  I am one of those voices.  One of the biggest voices is that of Lawrence Auster of View From the Right.

Auster mentions Ann Barnhardt of Colorado, who made a video response to General Petraeus and Senator Lindsey Graham, after the two called for restraint of the First Amendment with regard to Islam.  Barnhardt blasts both men with fury and righteousness, then reads hateful passages from the Koran, just before ripping out the offending page and burning it.  Her readings show why the Koran is such an evil book and why it deserves the flames -- it calls for murder, deceit, torture, rape and homosexual pedophilia.

This young woman does indeed have more balls than most men.  Her two videos are embedded below.

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