Tuesday, April 26, 2011

David Swindle (Associate Editor of David Horowitz's "Frontpage"), Obama Supporter, Censor and Fibber

David Swindle. Obama Supporter
and Arbiter of Who Can Comment
at Frontpagemag.com
David Swindle is an associate editor of David Horowitz's Frontpagemag.com.

Swindle and his socially liberal "pagan conservative" columnist/writer attacked prominent conservative blogger Robert Stacy McCain some months ago.  As I recall, Mr. Pagan took the side of some feminist in a disagreement with McCain.  Mr. Pagan totally misinterpreted McCain while stylishly posing as a socially liberal conservative.  Instead of apologizing for his error, Pagan launched a verbal counterattack, accusing me of being Stacy's "Kilgore Trout," a mindless minion of McCain.  When the heat got too much for Pagan to take, Swindle jumped in to rescue him.

I then engaged both the "pagan conservative" and David Swindle in debate at Frontpagemag.com.

I vigorously refuted both of them.  For making them look like the jackasses, Swindle banned me from commenting at Frontpagemag.com.  According to Swindle, pointing out the factual and logical errors in his screeds is the same as being "uncivil."  NOTE:  While refuting him at his own site, Swindle allowed all of my refutations and never complained that any of them were "uncivil" nor did he ever allege that I had broken any commenting rules.  He only banned me after the debate was concluded, without informing me or giving any reason for the ban.  The real reason for the ban is that David Swindle can't take the heat.  Disagree and be banned.  Sound familiar?

The really strange thing in all of this is why Horowitz hired Swindle, a recent liberal and Obama supporter, to be an editor of Frontpagemag.com -- and someone who would hire as columnist  a completely unknown "pagan" of little substance with nothing important to say.  Both of these individuals seemed to me to be fish out of water, illogically implanted in a conservative environment that neither seemed to fully support.  What was Horowitz thinking?

Conservatives who support David Horowitz and Frontpagemag.com should know that they will be censored by same for rebutting error at Frontpage.  Unfortunately, Horowitz has given too much power to a dubious "conservative" who is now behaving like Charles Johnson of "Little Green Footballs."

Note to David Horowitz:  Get your house in order or lose the support of many conservatives.

I still believe that David Horowitz is a hero, a great writer and thinker, a great man.  But I am deeply disappointed in his giving undue power to Swindle, who strikes me as immature, intellectually weak and suspect as to his true ideology.

I have sent my concerns about Swindle to David Horowitz through an intermediary.  It probably will do no good.  So be it.  There comes a time when people you thought were your friends and allies reveal themselves to be something else.  Perhaps some of my heroes have feet of clay after all.

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