Friday, April 1, 2011

Pastor Terry Jones Burns a Koran, Afghan Muslims Kill 12 in Response

I think I am one of the few people, even on the conservative side, who actually likes Pastor Terry Jones.  Jones created quite a furor some months ago when he planned to collect Korans from donors, then burn them in a huge bonfire on his church's property in Gainesville, Florida.  Strong public pressure finally dissuaded him not to do so.  In spite of this, a Pakistani court issued a fatwa against Pastor Jones, promising around $2 million to anyone who murders Jones.  Every time Pastor Jones points out the pure evil of Islam, Muslims rush in to prove that he was right all along.

I am not a fundamentalist Christian [though I do admire Jesus].  I could care less what Pastor Jones thinks about salvation and damnation, angels and demons.  But I absolutely agree with him that Islam is completely evil and intolerable.  Because of this, I think everyone should burn a Koran.  Every time another Islamic atrocity occurs (and they occur numerous times daily), we should mark the occasion by burning Korans.

This week Pastor Jones finally burned a Koran and it was on the news.  So some Afghani Muslims attacked a UN headquarters somewhere in that big anus known as Afghanistan, and killed 12 UN workers.  They were mad at Terry Jones, so they killed someone else.  What a bunch of pure, unadulterated barbarian scum.

Some sites, like Weasel Zippers, tell the truth and say that it wasn't Terry Jones that killed those UN workers, it was fanatical Muslims.  Nevertheless, Weasel Zippers and other sites find it necessary to speak ill of Jones before admitting this.  Weasel Zippers said:
I’m no fan of the attention-whoring Terry Jones, but he is not to blame for these deaths, fundamentalist Islamic ideology is.
Just for the record, I AM a fan of Terry Jones.  We need more people who have the courage to tell the truth about the world's most vile religion, and there is no better way to demonstrate that than by burning their unholy book, the Koran.  If we must refrain from exercising our rights to free speech in order to appease savages, than we have no business being in Afghanistan.

See Pastor Jones's website here.

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