Friday, April 1, 2011

Is Pastor Terry Jones "a Kook"?

I see lots of criticism of Terry Jones for protesting Islam by burning a Koran. Folks on the right are calling him stupid, an idiot and a kook. I disagree.

Pastor Terry Jones is no more a kook than Salman Rushdie, or the Danish cartoonists, or Theo Van Gogh, or Ayaan Hirsi Ali, or Geert Wilders, or anyone else who has dared to criticize the barbarism known as Islam. It matters not whether they did so with cartoons, rebuttals, films, satire or by burning Korans. All criticism towards Islam is unacceptable to Muslims and any criticism an excuse for murder.

To my fellow rightwing bloggers, I say this: stop carrying water for the Islamic fanatics.  Terry Jones is not a kook, his symbolic rejection of Islam has merit.  Lawrence Auster explained this six months ago:
People are saying that the Koran burning will cause Muslims to kill innocent people. Perhaps it will. But the Danish cartoons caused Muslims to kill innocent people. Islam demands aggressive war against non-Muslims, including the killing of innocents, because from the Muslim point of view there is no such thing as an innocent non-Muslim. The clearest and most frequently repeated message of the Koran, appearing on almost every page, is that all non-Muslims are guilty of the monstrous crime of rejecting Allah and his prophet, and thereby deserve death and eternal torture. Why should we respect such a book? Why should we respect such a religion? Sooner or later, people in the West (and people in the non-Muslim world generally) must come to recognize the nature and teachings of Islam. They can have that recogition sooner, and prevent much violence, or they can have that recognition much later, only after Muslims have gained substantial power over our societies and get in a position to harm anyone who opposes them. My view is: the sooner the truth comes out, the better; the sooner things come to a head, the safer we will be.

Article on Terry Jones
Article from View from the Right on Terry Jones

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