Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why I Hate Trolls

The one problem with the Blogger messaging system is that you cannot close a thread to further comments.  So if a college sophomore with a liberal bent wants to overwhelm you with his non-existent brilliance, you can't shut him off.  Well, you can, by restricting comments to those with I.D.s (no anonymous comments), and also by enabling comment moderation.  I have now been forced to apply both of these methods to troll control.  I hate to do this, because these measures tend to discourage comments, and I like comments and enjoy debate.

If you read through my last three posts, you will note a serious troll attack by a very adolescent individual who, unable to answer or refute me, resorted to mere harassment.  If he wants to post again, he can do so, by identifying himself, by staying on topic and by not repeating the same failed arguments over and over again, after they have been refuted.

For now, however, my foot is tired from kicking his ass all day.  There is wisdom in the saying "Don't feed the trolls."  To do so gives them encouragement to continue making asses of themselves.

Update:  I have removed comment moderation, but I will now require all commenters to identify themselves.

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