Monday, April 18, 2011

The Major Flaw in American Democracy

Redistributing the Wealth
I have  been thinking about all the Democrat arguments for soaking the rich in order to fund the lazy, illegal, greedy and unproductive.  The real reason for the Dems desire to fund the lazy, illegal, greedy and unproductive is simple:  these folks are their major constituents.  If the Dems fail to bring home a big bag of stolen goodies to distribute to their voters, they would quickly go out of business.  Ah yes, American politics is really all about looting by proxy.  No need to break store windows and carry off TV sets, because "redistributionists" will do it for you in exchange for your vote.

This is the major flaw in American democracy:  when the lazy and unproductive are able to vote themselves a share of your bank account, they will certainly do so.  They will also continue to support the fences that distribute the stolen booty and keep the theft legal and active.

Racist Tea Party Member, 
Opposes Redistributing Wealth
So under American democracy, the trend will be for the unproductive to grow and the productive to shrink, with increasing draconian measures (excessive borrowing, deficit spending, high taxation) necessary to keep the corrupt system functioning.  American democracy seems to me to be unsustainable.  Since the ultimate end of such a system is bankruptcy, poverty and want, it cannot last.  Perhaps it will be replaced by some form of totalitarianism.

There is a solution, however.  People who do not make enough money to support themselves should be disenfranchised, that is, denied the right to vote.  Then they couldn't vote for the crooks who do their stealing for them.  I would further add the proviso that anyone who pays no income taxes should also be disenfranchised.  The idea is to take away the opportunity for theft and the motivation for voting for collectivists and wasteful spenders.  Any spending and tax increases should be felt by everyone who votes.    Then people would truly be spending their own money instead of spending that of someone else.  

In the beginning of this nation, only property owners were allowed to vote (or so I'm told).  We need to return to such a system.  No one should be allowed to use democracy as a tool to mug his neighbors.

Photo sources:  Top photo:  found on the internet.  Bottom photo is from Larwyn's Linx, who got it from Zombie's pictorial of the San Francisco Tea Party rally on tax day.  See it here.

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