Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lawrence Auster: Why People SHOULD Burn the Koran

Lawrence Auster of View From the Right is one of the few who "gets it" on Terry Jones and the Koran.  He writes:
The Koran is this monstrous book written by the mouthpiece of a sadistic god who calls for our destruction. What is the proper response on our part to this book? To reject it completely. To burn a copy of the Koran is a perfect symbolic expression of our total rejection of this monstrous book. This is what Jones understands and what so few others understand. And why don’t they understand it? Because they don’t totally reject Islam. Consider Robert Spencer. Does Spencer totally reject Islam? Not at all. For all his withering critiques of “supremacist Islam” (rarely or never of Islam itself), his writings assume a future in which Islam is allowed to remain in our society and keeps getting stronger and more numerous among us while we keep reading about it and debating about it and complaining about it and asking rhetorical questions about when it will reform itself.
The only viable response of the West to Islam is to reject Islam completely.  It has no redeeming qualities, no worth to the human race.  It is the warlord ideology of a long-dead barbarian pirate.  It's major contribution to civilization is millions of deaths.  We can no more make compromises with Islam than we can with cannibalism or human sacrifice.  Islam is the antithesis of civilization.  It must be separated, isolated and contained.

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