Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Determine Bank of America's Tax Liability: A Note to Left-Wing Activists

Confronting Liberal Dogma
The Daily Kos, Moveon, the Democratic Underground, the Coffee Party and US Uncut want Bank of America and other corporations to pay income taxes that they don't legally owe.

The lefties are targeting various corporations as "tax dodgers" even though these corporations have complied with the tax laws and owe no tax.  How can you "dodge" a non-existent tax bill?

Aha, there's the error in your thinking, friend.  It shouldn't be Congress, the IRS or the states that decide a corporation's tax liability.  It should be left-wing college sophomores, old hippie burn-outs, Marxists and morons.  Well then, I have some questions for these Saul Alinsky wanna-bes.

1.  If one fills out Form 1120 and completes the required calculations and owes no tax, then what do you do?  What tax form does the corporate tax payer use to compute the non-owed tax, if not the one dictated by tax laws?  Has one been invented?

2. If the corporation legally owes no tax, how much should the extra-legal, non-owed taxes be?  Who decides how much?  Is there a formula, say, divide the corporation's Tax I.D. number by Saul Alinsky's I.Q., add Al Gore's address and multiply by Noam Chomsky's license plate?

3. Since the IRS or the states aren't owed the money, to whom are these extra-legal taxes to be paid?  To you personally?  To your organization?  To the Communist Party?

4.  Do you really thing it's a good idea to have uninformed political agitators deciding tax laws and usurping Congress?  What makes you think you are qualified to do so?  Why do you think you have any right to do so?

5. Do you think the fabric of hard reality can be altered by exhibitionism, i.e. dancing around like fools in the lobby of Bank of America in San Francisco, demanding taxes that are not owed?

I'd really like to know.

Update:  I found this video of leftists making asses of themselves at a Bank of America branch.  (Hat tip Legal Insurrection.)  Perhaps those scruffy little Marxists would deign to answer the questions I posed above?

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