Thursday, March 31, 2011

Military History Channel's New Documentary on JFK: "Beyond The Magic Bullet"

Nuts, I used to really enjoy debating conspiracy-theorists on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.  I have always held that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy and that he acted alone -- just like the Warren Commission said he did, way back in 1964.  Now it's just getting too easy to win those arguments.  They aren't much of a challenge anymore.

This week the Military History Channel showed a documentary called "Beyond The Magic Bullet."  The magic bullet, if you have been hiding in the woods these past few decades, refers to the Mannlicher-Carcano bullet that was Oswald's second shot from the sixth story window of the Texas School Depository on that early afternoon in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

That bullet, a copper metal jacketed round, is said to have passed through Kennedy's throat, into Governor Connally's back where it broke a rib, then emerged near Connally's right nipple where it then slammed into his wrist, went through that and embedded itself in his leg.  The spent bullet was found on Connally's stretcher at Parkland Hospital.  The bullet appeared almost pristine, that is, undamaged from its passage through two human bodies.   It had lost some of its lead through the open end of the metal jacket and was slightly flattened on one side.

For years conspiracy-kooks have railed to the heavens about how impossible this is, that one bullet could make such wounds and yet suffer so little deformation in the process.  They contemptuously referred to this bullet, Commission Exhibit (CE) 399, as "the magic bullet."

The researchers in the film, however, showed that identical bullets from the same batch used by Oswald were often pristine, after being fired through the end of a log, where it was embedded several feet in, and by other bullets fired through gelatin blocks designed to mimic the physics of the human body.  Further, the bullets fired through the gelatin blocks began to tumble, head over end, after emerging from the target -- exactly what happened to CE 399 when it exited Kennedy and slammed sideways into Connally's back, leaving a "keyhole" wound.  CE 399 then went through Connally, through his wrist and into his leg, where it was shallowly embedded, later falling out on the stretcher at Parkland Hospital.

The researchers then created body models of both Kennedy and Connally, with simulated organs and bones (made by a company who produces such things for safety testing, forensic studies and other uses).  Both of the torsos were positioned like the original humans targeted by Oswald, e.g., with the Connally torso twisting to the right and the Kennedy torso with its right arm raised as if supported by the side of the car.  Photographs of the actual bodies in the car were superimposed with a photograph of the molded torsos to prove that the models were exactly in the same position as the originals, and the same distance apart.  A block of gelatin containing wrist bones was used to simulate Connally's wrist.

A rifleman then fired one of the same bullets, from a rifle identical to Oswald's, from a height of six stories.  He aimed for a small red mark on the right side of the Kennedy torso's upper back area, the same spot where CE 399 struck Kennedy, traveling downward and through Kennedy's neck.  The shot was very accurate, striking about one inch away from the red mark.  Slow motion cameras show the bullet emerge from the simulated neck of Kennedy and then to immediately begin tumbling, striking the Connally torso in the back and making an almost identical keyhole wound as the original; the bullet, however, did not strike only one rib bone as in the actual assassination, but two.  Still, the bullet traveled through the simulated wrist of Connally and then bounced off the simulated leg.  After hitting two ribs instead of one, the bullet was sufficiently slowed so that it could not penetrate the leg, as it did in the original scenario.  The test bullet, probably as a result of striking two ribs instead of one, was somewhat more deformed than CE 399, but still in one piece, somewhat twisted in its length but not mushroomed.  In other words, less pristine than CE 399, but still in remarkably good shape.

What "Beyond the Magic Bullet" proved, convincingly, was that the path of CE 399 was exactly as described in the Warren Commission report on the assassination and created all seven wounds between Kennedy and Connally.

The bullet wasn't magic and there was no conspiracy.  Conspiracy kooks, you lose again.

The Mahdi Emerges From the Well! Islamic Prophecy Fulfilled! (Photoshop)

The Mahdi has arisen from the well to fulfill Islamic prophecy!  One of his disciples snapped this photo just as the Mahdi emerged.  The Mahdi was wearing a black Pork Pie hat, sunglasses and chomping on a cigar.  When asked for his first statement, the Mahdi only replied:

"Got a match?"

Steve Jobs Holds A Press

Steve Jobs holds a press
Steve Jobs holds a press

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Geert Wilders: "Time to Unmask Mohammed" (as Someone Insane)

There is a great article at Big Peace concerning an article that Dutch politician Geert Wilders wrote about Mohammed.  Wilders describes the Mohammed who is already very familiar to anyone who has read the sacred texts of Islam, the Koran and the Haddith.

Wilders says:
The historical Muhammad was the savage leader of a gang of robbers from Medina. Without scruples they looted, raped and murdered. The sources describe orgies of savagery where hundreds of people’s throats were cut, hands and feet chopped off, eyes cut out, entire tribes massacred. An example is the extinction of the jewish Kurayza tribe in Medina in 627. One of those who chopped off their heads was Muhammad. The women and children were sold as slaves [after a mass rape of the widows and daughters]. Confronted with the lunacy of Islamic terrorists today, it is not hard to find out where the lunacy comes from.
Mohammed was a homicidal psychotic.  That over a billion people could follow such a man as a "spiritual leader" is beyond the pale.  How many of them actually know the real history of their "prophet"?

Read it all here.

Overwritten Repeatedly Health

Overwritten repeatedly health
Overwritten repeatedly health

Dick "Turbin" Durbin Holds Hearings on Bias Against Muslims

Dick Durbin, US Senator from Illinois, has found the perfect liberal response to the King hearings on Islamic radicalization in America.  Durbin is conducting his own hearings on discrimination against Muslims.

Robert Spencer says Durbin's hearings are a PC charade designed to paint Muslims as victims.  I agree.  Democrats like Durbin can never pass up an opportunity to pose and posture as the champions of tolerance and enlightenment, no matter how fake their act.

Lawrence Auster, of View From the Right, explains the pro-Islam mindset of liberals and some conservatives (like Glenn Beck).  He writes:
Western liberals cannot allow themselves to take in the fact that Islam actually exists, that Islam is an entity defined by certain unchanging characteristics and teachings, because if that were true, if Islam had an essence and this essence commands our subjugation and destruction, then we would simply have to recognize that Muslims are an eternal threat to us and deal with them accordingly. Which would bring to an end the liberal project of constructing a single harmonious world living under a single shared (democratic, American-oriented) belief system. Therefore Western liberals, including “conservatives,” insist that Islam is not an objective category or entity which requires its followers to behave a certain way, but simply a variegated collection of people who happen to share the common name “Muslims,” but beyond the common name, they share nothing essential. As a collection of people, they are just like us; some are good, some bad, some violent, some peaceful, etc. Therefore when a Muslim commits an act of jihad, he is not following the sacred commands of Islam, he is just a misbehaving individual. In short, Islam doesn’t kill people, people kill people.
Read Spencer's take on the Durbin hearings here.  Meanwhile, my tactful Photoshop below expresses the subtle nuances of this sociological phenomenon.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not To Diminish Mr. Jobs

Not to diminish Mr. Jobs
Not to diminish Mr. Jobs

Does Ron Paul Want To Stop The Supreme Court From Ruling On Prop 8? | The New Civil Rights Movement

Libyan War Utterly Frivolous, Like the American President

Last night Obama gave a speech to the nation explaining (rationalizing) his incursion into the Libyan civil war.  Most analyses on the right indicate the speech was frivolous:  glittering generalities, patriotic slogans, posing and posturing, but no convincing arguments as to why the incursion was necessary.  Proof, a blogger at Left Coast Rebel, does a good job of fisking Obama's excuses for the war at this link.

Rush Limbaugh believes that Obama's incursion is more about the presidential election of 2012 than it is anything else.  Absent some unforeseen events, Obama has lost the independents and is headed for electoral defeat in 2012.  Obama wants to look like a "strong leader," and saw the Libyan civil war as the means to that end.  The Libyan incursion, however, is the frivolous yet dangerous and desperate act of a failed president.

Laura Vandervoort is Supergirl 'Kara' from Smallville

Laura Vandervoort is a beautiful actress that comes from Canada. She is very beautiful and has been on a number of television series and movies. She is becoming a well established actor and has worked with many famous people, and is even becoming famous herself. I first saw Laura on the television series Smallville which I love. She also appears on the television show "V" which is about reptilian aliens that are trying to take over the world, and can morph into human bodies so that they can go undetected and live among us. She also can kick major ass because she has a second degree black belt in Karate. Be careful what you say about her, and if you are paparrazzi be careful, you might get your ass kicked. For making so much money she composes herself pretty well, and doesn't go out to clubs and get wasted. She is a very talented individual that has all the goods in the right places if you know what I mean. When Laura was growing up she was much like a tom boy and was a part of many sports while she was in school. She was in everything you can think of from baseball, to football. In Maxim magazines 100 hottest women, Laura Vandervoort made the cut, for good reason. Laura is a very diverse actress and I hope that we see more of her in upcoming releases of both movies and television series. Here are some sexy pictures I found of Laura Vandervoort on the Internet...

Amanda Knox forum at Seattle U. to attract big names, public invited | West Seattle Herald / White Center News

Monday, March 28, 2011

The 55-year-old Jobs

The 55-year-old Jobs
The 55-year-old Jobs

The Coming of the 12th Imam, the Mahdi! (Photoshop)

Nutcase Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran is a Muslim fanatic on steroids.  He strongly believes that "the 12th Imam," a kind of Islamic Messiah, will emerge from a well to usher in "the End Times."  Since this is Islam we're talking about, the great event will involve lots of killing, murder and blood, particularly of Jews.

Soon thereafter we will all be judged and most of us thrown into Hell for not believing in this nonsense in the first place.

You can read about it here.

Of course, I am always looking for an excuse to create a new Photoshop.  Here is my depiction of the emergence of the 12th Imam.

The scary part of all this is that these fanatics actually believe this fairy tale and may use it to start a nuclear conflagration with Israel.  It is, after all, their assignment from Allah.

Let's just hope that some drunk doesn't fall into a well in Iran, climb out and be mistaken for the Mahdi.  If that happens, duck.

Knox lawyers hopeful her conviction will be overturned | | Seattle Featured Video on Demand

Confused Prosecution witness at Knox and Sollecito appeal

PERUGIA, ITALY - NOVEMBER 24:  Television news...Image by Getty Images via @daylife

Judge: So, you saw Amanda and Raffaele?

 Curatolo: Yeah, it was Halloween when I saw them. I know this because I saw the kids getting on the disco buses all dressed up in costumes. That’s how I also know what time it was. 

Judge: When is Halloween? 

Curatolo: I don't know. Maybe end of October or beginning of November, I think. 

Judge: You aren’t sure? What about your case now? You are in prison, correct? How long will you be there?

 Curatolo: I don’t know. I don’t understand the case against me really. I understand nothing. 

Judge: Ok, so how did you live in the park? Were you always there?

 Curatolo: Always, yes. I never left. I just lived there. On a bench mostly. 

(questions regarding where Toto poops omitted)

Judge: Never mind. So, are you certain the buses were disco buses and not tour buses? 

Curatolo: Yes, definitely disco buses. They look different from other buses. 

Prosecutio­n: No, no, you must be mistaken? 

Curatolo: No. I am certain they were disco buses. 

Judge: Do you take drugs?

 Curatolo: Yes, heroin. 

Judge: Were you taking drugs on that night?

 Curatolo: I always take drugs, so most certainly I was high that night…but that’s ok. heroin does not make you hallucinat­e or anything. 

Judge: Guards, take him away. I am done.
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Media Matters Founder David Brock: A Man Without Principles

Political Prostitute David Brock
David Brock is the founder of the far-left organization Media Matters.  Recently Brock told Politico that his organization is gearing for an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel.

Who is David Brock?  I googled his name and found a 2005 article from that describes Brock's history.  It is a sordid one.  The information below was extracted from this article.

Brock started out as a highly-paid investigative reporter for the conservative magazine, The American Spectator.  Brock did good work in exposing the sexual escapades of Bill Clinton and discrediting the liberal Anita Hill, who had defamed Clarence Thomas in his confirmation hearings to be a Supreme Court justice.  Brock achieved widespread fame and acclaim as a conservative reporter and writer.

Brock then received a million dollar advance from Adam Bellow and the Free Press to write an investigative book about Hillary Clinton.  However, the task proved too much for Brock, as his earlier exposé on Bill shut down potential sources within the Hillary camp.  Instead, he wrote a superficial book exonerating Hillary from the Whitewater scandal and defending her against a number of other charges.

His book "The Seduction of Hillary Clinton" was released in 1996 and was a miserable failure.  The book received widespread criticism, even from the left, for Brock's whitewash of Hillary's role in Whitewater.  The Free Press lost millions and Adam Bellow was fired.  Meanwhile, Brock had invested his million dollar advance in expensive properties he could no longer afford.  He was desperate for some kind of bail-out, but few would now hire a failed author whose miserable performance had lost millions for his publisher.  Brock's reputation as an author was shot and he knew it.

Brock's economic survival needed a shrewd strategy and he came up with one:  he reinvented himself as an innocent who was deceived by conservatives, but who now saw the light of liberalism, and switched sides.  He wrote a book "Blinded by the Right: the Conscience of an Ex-Conservative," and became a hero to the left who could now point to Brock as an example of the duplicity and mendaciousness of the right.  Brock was living proof of Hillary's charge of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."

Brock apologized to Bill Clinton for Brock's American Spectator articles on "Troopergate."  Brock then slimed the Arkansas troopers he had befriended and who had supplied him with information on Clinton's use of troopers as pimps for Clinton's enormous sexual appetite.

My conclusions:  David Brock is an unprincipled actor whose only loyalty is to himself.  Like Arianna Huffington and Charles Johnson, he was willing to betray allies and friends, to sell out for fame and money.  His latest gambit to conduct "guerrilla warfare" against Fox News is only further evidence that Brock is a political prostitute whose main client is George Soros.  He is deserving only of profound contempt.

Read the entire Frontpage article here.

Liberal Media Matters Plans Dirty Tricks to Undermine Fox News

Politico has an interesting post today on the "progressive" organization, the George Soros funded tool called Media Matters.  ("Progressive" meaning far-left and completely nutty.)  Media Matters is a non-profit organization set up to "monitor" and refute conservative news broadcasts.  The organization has a severe bias against Fox News, but has now moved beyond its pretense of "monitoring" and has declared open warfare on Fox News.

Per Politico:
The liberal group Media Matters has quietly transformed itself in preparation for what its founder, David Brock, described in an interview as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel.
According to Politico, Media Matters plans to undermine Fox News with the following tactics:
1.  Distribution of "embarrassing" clips and rebuttals of Fox News items.
2.  Ridicule of Fox guests and commentators to destroy their credibility with the public.
3.  Campaigns to persuade Fox advertisers to quit Fox News.
4.  Providing a legal team and funding to persuade liberals rebutted by Fox to file defamation lawsuits.
5.  Assembling a team in the U.K. to attack Fox's interests there.

In short, the "Progressives" have all but admitted that they cannot fight Fox in ethical ways, or by refuting the tsunami of news and facts that it provides.  Media Matters must instead resort to a form of censorship:  by defunding Fox by chasing away its advertising revenues (good luck with that) and by forcing it to spend millions to defend against frivolous lawsuits.  If the tactics prove effective, Fox would then be forced to dilute their news and opinion so it is less lethal to progressive fantasies.

In a fair fight, the political left cannot win.  We know that and it is obvious that they know it too.  Given the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the left, dirty tricks is all they have to fight with.

See Politico's article here.

Testimony a game-changer in Amanda Knox's favor? - The Early Show - CBS News

What's Brewing: Texas clings to 'homosexual conduct' law as same-sex marriage goes mainstream

Marriage Equality and the 2012 Republican Primary « Human Rights Campaign | HRC Back Story

Gossip Hell, Steve Jobs!

gossip hell, Steve Jobs!
gossip hell, Steve Jobs!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Amanda Knox Murder Conviction May Fall On Conflicting Testimony Of Star Witness | Radar Online

Many Tech Companies Try

Many Tech Companies try
Many Tech Companies try

Public Sector Unions: a New Form of Tyranny

I have been arguing with pro-union bloodsuckers at YouTube, over a "Young Turks" video favoring unions and demanding the ouster of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Most of the commenters there don't want to take me on, because frankly, their arguments are an embarrassment.  Those arguments are well summarized by the cartoon on the left.

Public Sector unions have a great deal going with the Democratic Party:  you support our exorbitant wages and benefits and we'll support you for election and re-election.  Further, we will use our members to picket, canvas and get out the vote, all in your favor.

Defeat of the public sector unions is an absolute necessity for the average taxpayer, to avoid being taxed to death.

Steve Malanga at City Journal, writing a year ago, describes how public sector unions have destroyed the state of California.  I found the article by researching a charge by one of the ignorant unionists at YouTube.  He argued that public sector unions in California are very weak and that's why the state if falling apart!  That's like saying a man dying of arsenic poisoning needs a bigger dose.

Malanga's article is called The Beholden State.  Do read it if you want to know how the public sector unions have destroyed the Golden State.

Amanda Knox appeal hopes boosted – Key witness changes his story and DNA evidence insufficient | The Last Refuge

Major Development in Amanda Knox Trial - ABC News

Amanda Knox’s Great Day in Court

In the main square, with the Palazzo dei Prior...Image via Wikipedia
Could a homeless drug addict really be a reliable witness in a murder trial? Amanda Knox's family and defense team were pleased Saturday during the appeal trial of her murder conviction, when the prosecutor's key witness Antonio Curatolo gave a contradictory testimony. 

The homeless man who lives in Perugia, not far from where Meredith Kercher was murdered, helped sway the jury at an earlier hearing, but on Saturday he mixed up dates and seemed confused. "The two youngsters were talking intensely to each other," Curatolo said, adding, "I can remember that in the piazza that night young people in masks were coming and going and buses were leaving for the nightclubs."

 Knox's lawyers immediately pointed out the contradiction in his testimony, saying that Kercher was killed on November 1, a day after the city of Perugia was buzzing with Halloween partygoers, and that former witnesses had said all clubs were closed on November 1. The court will reconvene on May 21 to hear updated forensic reports on previous DNA tests on the alleged murder weapon.
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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Another Black Conservative Returns

Another Black Conservative (ABC) is a well-written blog that links to many interesting black conservatives; however, it is not primarily about black people.  It's about conservatives vs. liberals.

I had linked to ABC for some time until its author dropped out of blogging for awhile, then deleted the link when no new posts were forthcoming.  I generally delete blogs from my blogroll that do not post regularly.  So many blogs begin with enthusiasm, and then suddenly die but are not deleted.  So I make room for active blogs by deleting those who are moribund.

However, ABC is now back in operation and so I am reinstalling it to my blog roll.

Welcome back, ABC!  You were missed.

Al Qaeda Fighting Alongside the Libyan Rebels?

The architects of 911, the fanatical Muslim extremists called Al Qaeda, are now fighting alongside the Libyan rebels.  Some of these vermin are veterans of the Iraq war, where they fought against American troops.

Now, thanks to Barack Obama, Al Qaeda and other Muslim fanatics have a much greater chance of overthrowing the current government of Libya and replacing it with one that is worse, one that is more aggressive and openly at war with the United States.

Like I said in an earlier post, we don't know enough about the Libyan rebels to know if they are friend or foe, and for that reason (and others), our intervention in Libya was naive and reckless.

Those on the right who have enthusiastically supported Obama's ill-advised adventurism should take note.

Anarchist Rioters Trash London to Protest Budget Cuts

I believe it was The Other McCain who noted that the left's sense of entitlement is now so pronounced that it represents a lethal threat.  He was talking about Wisconsin, but now the massive temper tantrum over free money has reached London.  British freeloaders, suddenly cut off from the mother's milk of socialism, are rioting there at half a million strong, smashing office windows, defacing buildings and attacking police.

To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, "The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."   Socialism has run out of other people's money and the spending must stop.  When the spending stops, however, the temper tantrums begin.

Governments trying to restore fiscal solvency are like parents with spoiled children.  If the parents don't give in to every whimsical demand of their over aged, selfish brats, they run the risk of violence.  Their spoiled children may smash the house and even beat up the parents.  It is easy to spoil children but not always so easy to regain control and reassert authority.  The Wisconsin protests and the London riots are proof of that.

The left has been making major efforts to install socialism in recent years, and their efforts seem to have increased with the election of Barack Obama.  With "global warming" revealed for the scam it is, the "carbon credits" plan to redistribute wealth is more unlikely, the left understands that their gravy train is coming to an end.  So they must make a major effort in the only way they know how, through loud demonstrations, property damage and violence.

It won't work, though.  Socialism is a major failure and most people know it.  Socialism is passé and the world has moved on.  The day of the dinosaur will not return, in spite of the left's purple Barney fantasies.

PERUGIA SHOCK: Cabaret Mignini

Steve Jobs Health_Steve Jobs'

steve jobs health_Steve Jobs'
steve jobs health_Steve Jobs'

Amanda Knox's appeal team scores a point in Perugia court hearing | World news | The Observer