Thursday, June 30, 2011

Strauss-Kahn Case Collapsing?

Do I have good instincts or what?

When Dominque Strass-Kahn (of France) was accused by a hotel maid of rape, I stated that I had doubts about her story, that it didn't seem to add up.  See that post here.

Now the New York Times says police have caught the maid, Nafissatou Diallo, in a number of lies and possibly involved in illegal activity.  The Times indicates the case against Strauss-Kahn appears to be collapsing.

Roberta Moore and the Sliming of the English Defence League: The True Facts Here

A pro-Jewish activist named Roberta Moore appears to be the reason for the Geller/Spencer split with the English Defence League (EDL).  As noted in a prior post, the EDL is an English organization opposed to the Islamization of Great Britain; Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are also opposed to Islamization but split with the EDL over its alleged ties to "Neo-Nazis."  Geller runs the blog "Atlas Shrugs" and Spencer runs the website "Jihad Watch."

No evidence has been presented to document these alleged Neo-Nazi ties, and Geller and Spencer seem to have relied solely on the expressed opinion of one Roberta Moore.

Roberta Moore was the head of the EDL's Jewish Division, but departed the organization, complaining ambiguously of Nazis in the group.  She offered no specifics whatsoever, and EDL supporters say that she has no facts to offer.  However, a little internet research reveals Ms. Moore has an ax to grind with the EDL and her accusations highly suspect.

According to the Jewish Chronicle Online, Moore was criticized within the EDL of being "a divisive figure," ostensibly because she tried to link the EDL's Jewish Division with a radical Jewish group in America, the Jewish Task Force. Jewish Chronicle Online reports:
Ms Moore had attempted to co-ordinate her efforts with those of the far-right American Jewish Task Force, whose leader Victor Vancier has been imprisoned for terrorism offences. The move, in February, was heavily criticised by the EDL leadership.
In a prior article, the Jewish Online Chronicle described the rift between the EDL and Roberta Moore:
"A member of the Jewish Division this week decided to link herself with terrorist organisation JTF. This was the decision and wishes of one single individual within the EDL, and does not mean that the EDL is linked with this movement.

"If they [the Jewish EDL] continue with their plans to forge links with the terrorist JTF, the EDL will have no option but to sever its links with the Jewish division as we cannot support terrorist sympathisers."

But Ms Moore said she was determined to continue the affiliation. She said the EDL leadership who had released the statement were "complete idiots," adding: "I have put my foot down; I am the one in contact with the JTF. If some people don't like it, then screw them. There are lots of Jewish people very upset that the EDL put out that statement - and I haven't received any personal messages telling me to cut off contact with Victor."

However, the EDL made it clear that they and Ms Moore were at odds on the matter. A spokesman said: "The EDL never has and never will have any affiliations with the Jewish Task Force. Unfortunately Ms Moore has caused a great deal of trouble and unrest within the EDL because of her gung-ho attitude."
So it appears that the EDL criticized Moore for supporting violent extremists and moved to expel her from the EDL based on this fact.  Moore's claim that "Nazis" have infiltrated the EDL appears to be nothing more than personal pique and a desire for revenge.  That, and to construct a plausible (but false) reason for her departure (under pressure) from the EDL.

Pamela Geller denounced the EDL simply on the basis of Moore's unproven charges, and Robert Spencer followed along because he seems to uncritically do whatever Geller wants.

Meanwhile, check out the reader comments at Spencer's site, Jihad Watch.  They raise some excellent points and their criticisms of Pamela Geller appear both fair and accurate.

Bill's Father, Bill Gates

Bill's father, Bill Gates
Bill's father, Bill Gates

Geller and Spencer Denounce English Defence League

Per View From the Right, it appears that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are distancing themselves from the English Defence League, alleging that the organization has been infiltrated by "neo-Fascists."  However, neither Geller nor Spencer cites any evidence to back up their claim.

The English Defence League is an organization that opposes the Islamization of Great Britain.

Lawrence Auster has the story here.

I support the English Defence League and will continue to do so unless strong evidence comes to light that the organization has become "neo-fascist," a term leftists use to describe anyone opposed to their destructive and suicidal policies.

Update:  EDL President Tommy Robinson has issued a public statement saying that no one expressing anti-semitic sentiments will be allowed to remain in the EDL.  Geller posts his statement here.  Robinson refers to the EDL Mission Statement.  Here is the Mission Statement from the EDL website (below the fold).  Does anyone see anything "fascistic" in it?


“The world is a dangerous place to live in; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” - Albert Einstein, refugee from Nazi Germany

People have been asking what the EDL is all about, what does it want to achieve, how will it achieve those things?

Well now the English Defence League has a Mission Statement......

(1) HUMAN RIGHTS: Protecting And Promoting Human Rights

The English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation that was founded in the wake of the shocking actions of a small group of Muslim extremists who, at a homecoming parade in Luton, openly mocked the sacrifices of our service personnel without any fear of censure. Although these actions were certainly those of a minority, we believe that they reflect other forms of religiously-inspired intolerance and barbarity that are thriving amongst certain sections of the Muslim population in Britain: including, but not limited to, the denigration and oppression of women, the molestation of young children, the committing of so-called honour killings, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and continued support for those responsible for terrorist atrocities.

Whilst we must always protect against the unjust assumption that all Muslims are complicit in or somehow responsible for these crimes, we must not be afraid to speak freely about these issues. This is why the EDL will continue to work to protect the inalienable rights of all people to protest against radical Islam’s encroachment into the lives of non-Muslims.

We also recognise that Muslims themselves are frequently the main victims of some Islamic traditions and practices. The Government should protect the individual human rights of members of British Muslims. It should ensure that they can openly criticise Islamic orthodoxy, challenge Islamic leaders without fear of retribution, receive full equality before the law (including equal rights for Muslim women), and leave Islam if they see fit, without fear of censure.

British Muslims should be able to safely demand reform of their religion, in order to make it more relevant to the needs of the modern world and more respectful of other groups in society. It is important that they completely reject the views of those who believe that Islam should be taken in its ‘original’, 7th century form, because these interpretations are the antithesis of Western democracy. The onus should be on British Muslims to overcome the problems that blight their religion and achieve nothing short of an Islamic reformation. In line with this, we should do all that we can to empower those who are willing to take this path. We must also ensure that they do not fear reprisals from those who, in line with these 7th century interpretations, would force sharia law upon them.

The EDL calls upon the Government to repeal legislation that prevents effective freedom of speech, for freedom of speech is essential if the human rights abuses that sometimes manifest themselves around Islam are to be stopped.

We believe that the proponents of radical Islam have a stranglehold on British Muslims. These radicals dominate Muslim organisations, remain key figures in British mosques, and are steadily increasing their influence. Radical Islam keeps British Muslims fearful and isolated, especially the women that it encases in the Burqa. It misrepresents their views, stifles freedom of expression, and indoctrinates their children, whilst continually doing a discredit to those who do wish to peacefully co-exist with their fellow Britons.

(2) DEMOCRACY AND THE RULE OF LAW: Promoting Democracy And The Rule Of Law By Opposing Sharia

The European Court of Human Rights has declared that “sharia is incompatible with the fundamental principles of democracy”. Despite this, there are still those who are more than willing to accommodate sharia norms, and who believe that sharia can operate in partnership with our existing traditions and customs. In reality, sharia cannot operate fully as anything other than a complete alternative to our existing legal, political, and social systems. It is a revolution that this country does not want, and one that it must resist. Sharia is most definitely a threat to our democracy.

The operation of Islamic courts, the often unreasonable demand that Islam is given more respect than it is due, and the stealthy incursion of halal meat into the food industry, all demonstrate that sharia is already creeping into our lives. Resentment is already beginning to grow, and could create dangerous divisions if nothing is done. The primacy of British courts must be maintained and defended, fair criticism of religious and political ideologies must be permitted, and consumers must be provided with the information necessary to avoid halal produce should they wish.

Restaurants and fast food chains that do offer halal options should offer non-halal alternatives as well, in order to show respect for other people’s religions, customs, and possible concerns about animal welfare issues (surrounding ritual slaughter). No one should be made to consume halal produce unwittingly, so it must always be labeled - in supermarkets, in restaurants, in schools, and in hospitals - wherever it is available. Free choice in these matters is, after all, a fundamental human right for everybody, not just the Muslim community.

Sharia law makes a fundamental distinction between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the EDL will never allow this sort of iniquitous apartheid to take root in our country. The EDL will therefore oppose sharia appeasement in all its forms, and will actively work to eradicate the sharia-compliant behaviours that are already being adopted, and enforced, in our society.

(3) PUBLIC EDUCATION: Ensuring That The Public Get A Balanced Picture Of Islam

A central part of the EDL’s mission is public education. The British political and media establishment have, for a long time, been presenting a very sanitised and therefore inaccurate view of Islam, shaped by the needs of policy-makers rather than the needs of the public. This has acted as a barrier to informed policy-making and made finding the solution to real problems impossible. In pursuing this self-defeating and destructive policy, the Government has effectively been acting as the propaganda arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Whether or not is aware of the predicament that it has put itself in, it has so far failed to honestly admit its failures.

We are committed to a campaign of public education to ensure that all aspects of Islam that impact on our society can debated in an open and honest way. Demonisation of Muslims, or of Islam’s critics, adds nothing to the debate. We believe that only by looking at all the facts can society be most effectively and humanly governed. If there are aspects of Muslim tradition that encourage the activities of Islamic radicals and criminals then these need to be properly addressed without fear of accusations of racism, xenophobia, or the even the disingenuous term ‘Islamophobia’.

The public must be provided with a more realistic and less sanitised view of Islam that allows it to ensure that decision-makers are held to account for their policy-making choices, choices that affect the harmony and security of the nation.

The EDL promotes the understanding of Islam and the implications for non-Muslims forced to live alongside it. Islam is not just a religious system, but a political and social ideology that seeks to dominate all non-believers and impose a harsh legal system that rejects democratic accountability and human rights. It runs counter to all that we hold dear within our British liberal democracy, and it must be prepared to change, to conform to secular, liberal ideals and laws, and to contribute to social harmony, rather than causing divisions.

(4) RESPECTING TRADITION: Promoting The Traditions And Culture Of England While At The Same Time Being Open To Embrace The Best That Other Cultures Can Offer

The EDL believes that English Culture has the right to exist and prosper in England. We recognise that culture is not static, that over time changes take place naturally, and that other cultures make contributions that make our shared culture stronger and more vibrant. However, this does not give license to policy-makers to deliberately undermine our culture and impose non-English cultures on the English people in their own land.

If people migrate to this country then they should be expected to respect our culture, its laws, and its traditions, and not expect their own cultures to be promoted by agencies of the state. The best of their cultures will be absorbed naturally and we will all be united by the enhanced culture that results. The onus should always be on foreign cultures to adapt and integrate. If said cultures promote anti-democratic ideas and refuse to accept the authority of our nation’s laws, then the host nation should not be bowing to these ideas in the name of ‘cultural sensitivity’. Law enforcement personnel must be able to enforce the rule of law thoroughly without prejudice or fear. Everyone, after all, is supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law.

The EDL is therefore keen to draw its support from people of all races, all faiths, all political persuasions, and all lifestyle choices. Under its umbrella, all people in England, whatever their background, or origin, can stand united in a desire to stop the imposition of the rules of Islam on non-believers. In order to ensure the continuity of our culture and its institutions, the EDL stands opposed to the creeping Islamisation of our country, because intimately related to the spread of Islamic religion is the political desire to implement an undemocratic alternative to our cherished way of life: the sharia.

Our armed forces stand up and risk their lives every day in order to protect our culture and democratic way of life. They are also reflective of England’s diversity, and are a shining example of what a people can achieve when united together. The EDL is therefore committed to opposing any and all abuse that our men and women in uniform are subjected to, and will campaign for legal remedies to ensure that those working within these important institutions are not exposed to abuse or aggression from within our country.

(5) INTERNATIONAL OUTLOOK: Working In Solidarity With Others Around The World

The EDL is keen to join with others who share our values, wherever they are in the world, and from whatever cultural background they derive. We believe that the demand for sharia is global and therefore needs to be tackled at a global as well as national level, so that this demand will never be succumbed to. The EDL will therefore have an international outlook to enhance and strengthen our domestic efforts, whilst at the same time contributing to the global struggle against Islamic intolerance of Western cultures, customs, religions, politics, and laws. The time for tolerating intolerance has come to an end: it is time for the whole world to unite against a truly Global Jihad.

MSNBC Analyst Mark Halperin Suspended for Calling Obama "a Dick"

Mark Halperin, speaking on the "Morning Joe" show of leftwing MSNBC, was suspended indefinitely for his accurate analysis of Barack Obama's job performance.  He described Obama's behavior during his press conference, saying:  "I thought he was kind of a dick yesterday."

If thinking Obama is a dick results in joblessness, then my two years of joblessness suddenly makes sense.

Read more about Halperin's accurate analysis here.

Gloom and Doom: 39% Now Believe the Economy is in "Permanent Decline"

According to a CBS-New York Times poll, 39% of Americans now believe the US economy is in permanent decline.  That means they don't believe we will ever get back our lost prosperity.

They may be right.  Not because it is impossible to recover, but because Americans still haven't clearly linked poverty to its ultimate cause, i.e. liberalism.  Per the poll:
"Forty-two percent said the government should spend to create jobs, even if it has to borrow money to do so. Three in four Republicans said no, while three in five Democrats said yes."
The response to this question reveals widespread ignorance of how an economy works.  Government cannot create private sector jobs, and more government spending will simply poison any recovery.

The belief in "government spending" as a spur to job growth is analogous to the belief in prior centuries of the benefits of bloodletting.  If someone was really sick, doctors opened a vein and drained blood out of the patient, foolishly believing that this was beneficial.  What bloodletting did instead was to further weaken the patient, reducing his chances for recovery.

Liberalism is the modern equivalent of bloodletting.  Americans must stop voting for it if they want any kind of economic future.

Here's Barack Obama's theme song for the 2012 elections:  Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Politico's Propaganda: "The Do-Nothing Congress"

It's easy to see through left-leaning Politico and the themes they want to propagate.  The latest is that of the "do-nothing" congress.  Harry Truman used this slogan to defeat Republicans in 1948 and Politico is dusting it off and hoping for a repeat of that success.

Politico whines:
Just 18 bills have become law through the first half of 2011, and 15 of those named a building after someone, temporarily extended expiring laws or appointed an official to the board of the Smithsonian Institution. Congress can’t decide what to do on critical issues like Libya, spending or the nation’s debt limit, and no compromise is in sight on a host of other issues.
Then Politico spits out:
Not that it matters substantively. When Congress is in, all it does is bash Obama.
This is really an objective article, isn't it?

Yes, Congress is unable to accomplish much in this highly partisan atmosphere, but will be able to accomplish a lot more with a Republican president and senate in January of 2013.  Let's all work for that.

Meanwhile, read Politico's Democrat advertisement here.

Barack Obama's Latest Gambit for Re-Election: He's the "Responsible Adult"

"Nyaaah - nyaaah - nyaaah!"
According to Politico:
One of President Barack Obama’s 2012 themes will likely revolve around what his aides call “the contrast” — a portrayal of Obama as a responsible, moderate adult harassed by infantile Republicans who favor the wealthy.
Yes, more often than not, politics is about image rather than reality.  The truth is that Barack Obama is a far-left ideologue who neither understands economics nor cares.  The far left believes that wealth exists independently of effort, work, investment and risk taking, sort of like manna from heaven:  it just appears, as if by magic, like sunshine, flowers and rainbows.  The rich are those who have managed to grab more than their fair share, leaving the slower and the tardy to fight for scraps.  It is therefore the job of the far left to take some of the manna away and redistribute it to the poor folks.

Obama is neither responsible nor moderate, and his belief system is not that of an adult.  His belief system is more that of a radical college sophomore who is high on pot and believes passionately in the manna-from-heaven theory of wealth, and his holy mission to rearrange reality so it is more to his liking.  We absolutely cannot bear another four years of this radical college sophomore, lest we become the next Greece, with all of its economic failings, crushing debt and widespread riots.

CiccioBello Doll - Hot Xmas Toy 2010

CiccioBello Doll - Hot Xmas Toy 2010

CiccioBello Doll - Hot Xmas Toy 2010visit us at: This adorable Cicciobello Love 'N' Care Boy Doll comes complete with a range of interactive accessories. Care ...

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4500 toy cars to cover a Ford
4500 toy cars to cover a Ford

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Young Bill Gates

A young Bill Gates
A young Bill Gates

Mila Kunis From That 70's Show is Really Hot and Sexy

Mila Kunis became famous for being a big role on That 70s Show. Although her character seems a little shallow and not so bright, in real life she is the exact opposite. She has done That 70s show for a very long time and now she is coming out in a new movie with Justin Timberlake called Friends With Benefits. I am not sure how good the movie is going to be, and it seems like it has copied the movie with Ashton Kutcher that is basically the same thing. I hope it does well, and this is a good jump off point for Mila Kunis. One thing is for sure though, with her being this beautiful she will never find it hard to get work. Here are some sexy pictures I have found of Mila Kunis and I thought I would share them with you...

Amanda Knox SHOCKER - The Daily Beast

Amanda Knox DNA Shocker

A day after Knox lashed out at her dubious accuser, she got a break on Wednesday with a new report that could lead to her exoneration. Barbie Latza Nadeau reports from Italy.

Amanda Knox's chances for freedom were bolstered on Wednesday when independent forensic experts submitted their report on crucialDNA evidence used to convict Knox and her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito. In the report, obtained by The Daily Beast, the experts say that due to "mishandling of the crime scene, contamination cannot be ruled out" on a knife with Knox's DNA on the handle and what prosecution claimed was Kercher's on the blade and on the victim's bra with Sollecito's DNA on the metal clasp. The findings will be presented to the Perugia appellate court on July 25.Amanda Knox Appeal Hearing: Raffaele Sollecito Waffles - The Daily Beast
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(even kids love their toy cars