Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Steve Benson of Arizona Republic: Leftist Hater and Propagandist

Steve Benson's Hate Cartoon
Steven Benson, cartoonist for the liberal Arizona Republic newspaper, libels conservatives with a pencil rather than with the written word.  Benson is one of the most odious propagandists of the far-left; make no mistake, he is a hater extraordinare.  Of course, leftists always believe that their brand of hatred is justified and enlightened.

Take the cartoon at left that Benson published right after the Arizona shootings.  It is slanderous in the extreme and expresses the left's unhinged hatred of Sarah Palin.

Now let's take a look at my depiction of this smarmy little leftist using Photoshop (feel free to use and spread far and wide):

Oh yes, Steve Benson is a Pulitizer Prize winning cartoonist.  The Pulitzer Prize is always given to the far left, never to conservatives.  Even the extremist Ted Rall was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1996, and that tells you all you need to know about the Pulitzer Prize.

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