Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fred Phelps Comes Out, Admits His Fascination With Homosexuals

Well not really.  But here's some Photoshop revenge for this hateful group, posted here so they will now appear in Google search engines and spread far and wide.  These hate-freaks picket the funerals of American soldiers with signs that read "Thank God For Dead Soldiers," "Thank God for Crippled Soldiers" and "Thank God For IEDs."  They express their hatred and obsession with gays by hating their own country -- very sick.  Their contact information is as follows:

Westboro Baptist Church
3701 SW 12th St
Topeka, KS 66604
(785) 273-0325

Fred Phelps Trolling for Gay Dates
Westboro Baptist Church Member
Advertising Her Wares

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