Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

New Year's Day always seems cold, bleak and depressing.  It's the day after the night before, i.e. the day of hangovers and stomach aches and reckoning.  All the Christmas lights and tinsel, which seemed so cheery just a week ago, now seem gaudy reminders of too much food and drink.  Suddenly, Scrooge's holiday opinions no longer seem so harsh, just honest.

It's a cold, blustery and rainy day here in Hollister.  Missy, my young cat, sits on the edge of my desk, staring at the raindrops that roll down the window pane, entranced by the howling wind.

January 1st:  a good day for bundling up, staying warm, drinking hot coffee or tea, and finding something good to watch on television.  This is not a day for any serious work.  We'll begin all that rot again on Monday.

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