Saturday, January 15, 2011

Moving On

Paul Krugman of the New York Times:
Author of the Blood-Libel Against Conservatives
The great sturm and drang following the Arizona tragedy is finally receding, but it leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.  I have never witnessed a worse case of liberal hatred and verbal violence in all my life.  The vicious lies that the Left unleashed against conservative pundits and personalities was truly unprecedented.  It made me realize that we on the Right do not share with the Left a common nationality, culture or tradition.  We only share the same continent, live within the borders of the same nation state.  We share little else.

The Left is more than ruthless, they are evil.  They seek to rule, not by persuasion or honest debate, but by any means necessary.  They revel in slander, character assassination and violence.  They are steeped in hatred for all who oppose them. They seek to create and hold a monopoly on news media and editorial opinion; they support voter fraud and stolen elections; they prosecute political opponents on trumped-up charges in kangaroo courts.  They have raised "the politics of personal destruction" to a high art form.  Fairness, civility and common decency are unknown to them.  I do not see the American Left as fellow citizens, I see them as sworn enemies for whom I feel little or no commonality or fraternity.

The Left has, however, finally convinced me of the truth of one of their key precepts:  Politics is war by other means.  They proved that in their orgy of hate and slander following the Arizona shootings.  I shall not forget again.

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