Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kathy Griffin Vows to Attack Teenager Willow Palin in 2011

Kathy Griffin Hates the Palins
Kathy Griffin, odious leftwing "Comedienne" plans to attack 16 year old Willow Palin in her 2011 "comedy" routines.  Fox News reports:
Kathy Griffin announced her New Year’s resolution to continue a verbal assault on the Palin family. Only in 2011, the comedian said she intends to target Sarah Palin’s 16-year-old daughter, Willow.

"I've already gone for Sarah, Todd and Bristol obviously," Griffin told The Hollywood Reporter. "But I think it's Willow's year to go down. In 2011, I want to offend a new Palin.”
 Griffin's hatefulness was not appreciated by U.S. troops in December, when she insulted Bristol Palin at a performance:
On a special that aired Dec. 5, Kathy Griffin was jeered by the audience after attacking Bristol Palin for being “fat” while hosting the VH1 Divas “Salute to the Troops.” Griffin called the 20-year-old “the white Precious,” based on Gabourey Sidibe’s role as an obese and abused teen mother in the 2009 Lee Daniels drama.

The incident provoked widespread criticism.
Here's an example of that criticism:
Hollywood publicist Angie Meyer says Griffin’s targeting of Willow, a minor, is even worse.

“To attack a young girl solely because of her last name seems rather contradictory of the types of justice she champions for others,” Meyer said. “A 50-year-old woman who chooses to attack a 16-year-old girl publicly at a time when cyber-bullying and teenage suicide are at their highest reported rates, not only sets an irreconcilable example for others, it’s tasteless, immoral, and frankly – classless."
Of course the aging Kathy Griffin is clueless and classless:  she's a liberal.  We can only wonder when she's going to get around to Trig.

Read it all here.

The  above image is "Photoshop Revenge."  An even meaner Photoshop can be found below the fold.  WARNING:  Image may be highly offensive to liberal feminists and should not be viewed by anyone at all.

A Free Can of Black Flag With Every Purchase
This is Kathy's other stand-up job when she isn't working as a failed comedian.

Hmm, what's that strange buzzing sound?

Of course, Kathy Griffin isn't an actual whore.  She would need actual customers for that.  But she is a figurative whore for attention and publicity, and uses highly unethical means to achieve it.

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