Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fred Phelps, Secret Gay Seeking Sodomy? Plans to Picket Funeral of 9 Year Old Girl Killed in Arizona

Fred Phelps Hate Group Pickets Funerals
Fred Phelps, a Democrat and extreme hater, is the so-called pastor of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.  Phelps and his entourage hate gays with an unbridled passion.  They regularly picket the funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, with signs denouncing homosexuality, and thanking God for killing soldiers and gays.  They see the soldiers' deaths as being God's payback for our non-persecution of homosexuals.

Now That's Some Real Vitriol: Phelps
Protester Prays for Soldier Deaths
Phelps appears to be nuts himself.  One can only wonder if his hatred of gays is his own reaction to his own incipient homosexuality, a way of suppressing his secret desires to be sodomized.  Why else would the man present himself to the public as a giant anus?  I rest my case.

Now Fred (Seeking Sodomy) Phelps has plans to picket the funeral of 9 year old Christina Green, a precious child who was killed by Loughner's hail of bullets in Arizona last Saturday.  Phelps seems to enjoy stoking widespread hatred of himself and this is the lowest yet he has descended into the cesspool.  Unfortunately, Phelps's atrocious behavior has been upheld by the courts as protected speech.

Michelle Malkin has a post about a group of "angels" who show up at funerals that are picketed by Phelps and his hate group.  The angels wear large white wings and form a circle around the funeral attendees, so they won't have to see the Phelps protesters.  Let's hope that there are many new angels to join the group and make that circle very large.

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