Friday, January 14, 2011

Did Gabrielle Giffords Inadvertently Target Herself? (Video)

Some time back Gabrielle Giffords herself helped propagate the script that she was in danger of being "targeted" as a result of Sarah Palin's "cross-hairs" map.  Giffords, therefore, is not blameless in this propaganda war, but was herself involved in the smear before the Arizona tragedy of a week ago.

Appearing on the far-left cable network MSNBC, Giffords decried the innocuous Palin map and implied that it somehow insinuated violence against Giffords herself.  It is a fair question then to ask: by propagating this political meme, did Giffords herself influence Jared Loughner to commit his heinous act?  Did he see the MSNBC episode and internalize Giffords' portrayal of herself as a target of violence?  Did her assertion become a self-fulfilling prophecy through subliminal suggestion to a sick and suggestible mind?

This is a point that Democrats ought to think about.  By painting themselves as targets of violence in order to score political points, do politicians  increase the chance that some nut will act upon that suggestion?  See the video embedded below.

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