Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Time Is Here!! And I'm Freezing My Tush Off

In order to smoke my cigars, I am obliged to sit outside in my backyard spot so as to avoid stinking up the house. But baby, it's cold outside...

Our Christmas lights went up on the house today. Tree's not up yet, though.

My band is playing for a Christmas party on the 14th and another on the 21st. So I am learning to play some Christmas songs. I love it.

What do I want for Christmas? I'd really like to get a decent, high definition video cam. I want to make a lot of YouTube videos in 2011 -- I figured out how to do it this year, and it isn't that difficult with the Windows movie maker application, but I do need material. I want to make some music vids most of all.

This year, 2010, I advanced my musical abilities exponentially (I play bass), but I have much more to learn, and learn I will. I'd also like to take some lessons on upright bass from a good professional jazz bassist, but that will require an actual income. I have a tax preparation job lined up for the tax season (Feb 1 through April 15); the pay is lousy but the experience will add to my resume. I am a CPA but my background is in audit and accounting, not so much in tax.

Then if I was to find some fantastic windfall, I'd like to buy a fretless Fender Jazz bass; I don't really need one, I'd just like to have it!

Wifey is still grieving over her mom's death on November 10th and this Christmas will be a bit sadder than most. Her brother the Catholic Priest returns to the Philippines next weekend and we won't see him again for three years.

Still, I think it is time to shake off my melancholy and lethargy and try to squeeze as much living as I can out of life. I want most of all to just play bass, and play it very well, at a professional level. I am late in life and wish I could add 30 years to my life span, just so I could study music and achieve the professionalism that I desire. However, I will play until my fingers bleed until the time I die, and then they will have to pry the bass from my cold, dead fingers!

Merry Christmas!

French Defense League Opposes Islamization

I found this video at Gates of Vienna.  Apparently, there is now a French Defense League in addition to the English Defence League.  Vive la France!

National Organization for Marriage , Catholic Church opposed, as Civil Union vote awaited in Ill.

Waiting on civil union vote in Illinois

NOM and Catholic Church are opposed:
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Manhattan Declaration leaders write CEO Steve Jobs after Apple pulls iPhone app

No Android Magazine for Apple usersSAN FRANCISCO - JANUARY 27:  Apple Inc. CEO St...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Group for Traditional Values cries foul after Apple pulls their app. 

The Manhattan Declaration app was accepted by Apple and rated as a 4+, which indicated that the app contained "no objectionable content".  

However,  after a "small but very vocal"  protest coming from gay advocacy,  Apple pulled the app during the Thanksgiving holiday.  

Now, Manhattan Declaration leaders are writing  Apple CEO Steve Jobs and urging him to restore the application. 

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Supporters: Almost 60 votes in Ill. House for civil unions | abc7chicago.com

Illinois Population Density MapImage via WikipediaSupporters: Almost 60 votes in Ill. House for civil unions | abc7chicago.com: "Opponents are fighting to make sure the legislation fails.

Smith said the Family Institute has made hundreds of thousands of automated calls to voters in recent months, urging them to contact their legislators. The group has sent bulletins on the subject to hundreds of Illinois churches, and Smith said he is lobbying lawmakers directly. Along with other conservative organizations, the institute is sending e-mails to everyone on its lists to call for action against civil unions.

Meanwhile, the Catholic Conference of Illinois is fighting the legislation, too. It's urging Catholic churches across Illinois to speak out, said Executive Director Robert Gilligan, and bishops are contacting lawmakers to speak against the measure.

'Marriage is what it is and always has been, no matter what a legislature decides to do,' Chicago Cardinal Francis George said in a statement last week."
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Should Graduate Degrees Be Earned on Facebook? - Education - GOOD

Should Graduate Degrees Be Earned on Facebook? - Education - GOOD: "In The Social Network, Justin Timberlake, who plays Napster's founder Sean Parker, proclaims: 'In the beginning we lived in caves. Then we lived in houses. Now, we’ll live on the Internet.'

And now, apparently, we'll also earn graduate degrees on Facebook.

Today's Times reports that the London School of Business and Finance Global M.B.A., which bills itself as “the world’s first internationally recognized M.B.A. to be delivered through a Facebook application,” is not only open for business but already claiming to enroll 30,000 active users."
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Sirius XM Radio: Where Laura Schlessinger's Homophobia and Racism Are Set to Reap Millions | Gay Rights | Change.org

Radio counselor Dr. Laura SchlessingerImage via WikipediaSirius XM Radio: Where Laura Schlessinger's Homophobia and Racism Are Set to Reap Millions | Gay Rights | Change.org: "When someone has a lengthy track record of making ridiculous anti-gay statements, or using the N-word 11 times in a six-minute conversation, you hardly expect them to be given millions of dollars for their gift of gab. Yet Sirius XM Radio has just inked a deal with 'Dr.' Laura Schlessinger, the controversial talk radio host who has a history of calling gay people 'biological errors' and 'deviants,' and who was ridiculed earlier this year after a rant that saw her use the N-word over and over again.

Schlessinger spoke about her deal with Siruis XM to the Associated Press, slamming the activists that have held her accountable for her hate speech over the years."
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Knox Appeal

Knox as a child in Washington 
True Justice For Meredith Kercher: "Knox did not appear the same carefree Seattle girl who in her first public court statement giggled as she explained that her rampant rabbit vibrator was just a joke, or who would often turn to smile and wave at friends and family during courtroom breaks.

Three years in the Capanne penitentiary have taken their toll—the gravity of her situation has set in, and recent months have been particularly fraught with tension and worry.

“She feels the weight of all of this on her shoulders,” Ghirga said. “She has lost some faith.”

Her family’s approach has also changed. In sharp contrast to the criticisms directed at the Italian judiciary during her first trial, Knox’s stepfather Chris Mellas, told reporters outside the courthouse that the family had “full faith in the Italian justice system,” adding that “after all, Italy’s judiciary has a long and rich history.”

“Amanda is happy to finally get this process going, we have a new jury and new judges. Unfortunately we have the old prosecutor, but you can’t have everything.”"
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Backlash feared as some in GOP push social issues | Gay Online News

"Republican Party Elephant" logoImage via WikipediaAlthough fixing the economy is the top priority, Republicans who won greater control of state governments in this month’s election are considering how to pursue action on a range of social issues, including abortion, gun rights and even divorce laws.Backlash feared as some in GOP push social issues | Gay Online News
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Anyone hoping for 2011 GOP infighting is going to be disappointed. - By David Weigel - Slate Magazine

"The Third-Term Panic", by Thomas Na...Image via WikipediaAnyone hoping for 2011 GOP infighting is going to be disappointed. - By David Weigel - Slate Magazine:
Civil War? What Civil War?
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Social issues and the tea party

Mike Corthell: Social issues and the tea party
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Viewers’ Guide to Prop 8 argument December 6 | Keen News Service

A window with a "No on Proposition 8"...Image via WikipediaViewers’ Guide to Prop 8 argument December 6 | Keen News Service
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Monday, November 29, 2010

When the Old Meets New: Norah Jones Sings Elvis's "Love Me"

Norah Jones is a beautiful young singer whose lilting, melancholy voice is perfect for this old Elvis tune.  She captures the spirit and sentimentality of the original.  For me, there is no better balm for the suffering soul than music.  It is the major focus of my life at this point.

Terrorist Plot, Or Entrapment?

The FBI Seal where the circle of stars represe...Image via WikipediaTerrorist Plot, Or Entrapment?: "It may very well be that the FBI successfully and within legal limits arrested a dangerous criminal intent on carrying out a serious Terrorist plot that would have killed many innocent people, in which case they deserve praise. Court-approved surveillance and use of undercover agents to infiltrate terrorist plots are legitimate tactics when used in accordance with the law.
But it may also just as easily be the case that the FBI — as they’ve done many times in the past — found some very young, impressionable, disaffected, hapless, aimless, inept loner; created a plot it then persuaded/manipulated/entrapped him to join, essentially turning him into a Terrorist; and then patted itself on the back once it arrested him for having thwarted a “Terrorist plot” which, from start to finish, was entirely the FBI’s own concoction."
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NOM, Catholic Church gear up to block civil unions - 676

A dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, who is be...Image via WikipediaWindy City Times - NOM, Catholic Church gear up to block civil unions - 676
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Gay Dallas Couple's Skype'd Marriage Was Anulled In D.C. Court. Law Prof Aghast. - Dallas News - Unfair Park

walkupswedding.jpgGay Dallas Couple's Skype'd Marriage Was Anulled In D.C. Court. Law Prof Aghast. - Dallas News - Unfair Park
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Debut of 'Spider-Man' on Broadway is a rocky 1 - WSJ.com

The theatrical poster for Sam Raimi's Spider-M...Image via WikipediaDebut of 'Spider-Man' on Broadway is a rocky 1 - WSJ.com
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Wikileaks and Treason

The scum at Wikileaks, some European based, anti-American site, is again securing secret documents from the US and distributing them to leftist news outlets for publishing throughout the world.  Some American newspapers are publishing these secret, official documents, too, and in a time of war.  How is this not treason?

I found these graphics related to Wikileaks on the web.  Hmmm, for some reason they seem vaguely familiar....

Lucy Hale from Filthy Rich Girls, and Pretty Little Liars

Lucy Hale was born on June 14, 1989. She is a very talented actress and hasn't been on many films or television shows. Her biggest hit recently was on Pretty Little Liars. The girls that play the leading roles are very talented and I am left enthralled, and stunned at times, because it is very hard to tell what is going to happen. I recommend everyone checking out the show, to see these pretty little liars for themselves. I am sure we haven't seen the last of Lucy Hale, and she will be on a number of different productions, and she is still very young. Here are some hot photos I found of her on the internet...

Ashley Benson from Pretty Little Liars

Ashley Victoria Benson was born on December 18, 1989. Ashley Benson has been dancing competitively since she was 2 years old! She is very committed to being an actress now, and that is what she wants to do. Her role in Pretty Little Liars is amazing. She is very talented. She also played Abby Deveraux in the hit soap television series, "Days of our Lives". She also had a cameo in Lil Romeo's music video. She also has done more than 25 commercials. She is a very talented little girl, and I see her going far in her future. She even did a photo shoot with Britney Spears and Vogue Magazine. Here are some really hot pictures I found of Ashley Benson on the internet...

Sarah Roemer from the movie Disturbia, and the Show The Event

Sarah Roemer is an American Actress that was discovered in San Diego California, and moved to New York to pursue her acting career. My favorite movie that she came out in was Disturbia, with Shia LaBeouf. That was a great movie. It even had Trinity from the Matrix. Sarah Roemer moved away from her home at 17 to start acting. She came out in the movie The Grudge 2, which was very scary! In 2007 she did sexy poses for Maxim magazine. She has even modeled for CCS catalogs. She is a great leading role in The Event. I can't wait to see what happens with that show! Here are some hot pictures I found of her on the internet.

Return of the Culture Wars: Tea Party’s Social and Religious Agenda and How Progressives Can Respond

Ron Paul's son, Rand, speaking at a Ron Paul R...Image via WikipediaSen.-elect Rand Paul (R-KY), , believes the government should intervene when it comes to pregnant women—forcing them to continue their pregnancy, even in cases of incest or rape. In fact, by the latest count, the midterm elections brought 44 more antiabortion votes to the House and six more votes to Senate.Return of the Culture Wars: Tea Party’s Social and Religious Agenda and How Progressives Can Respond
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Iran believed to have advanced missiles from N Korea

Coat of arms of the Islamic Republic of Iran. ...Image via WikipediaThe United States believes Iran has obtained advanced missiles from North Korea that could reach Moscow and cities across Western Europe, according to one of several secret diplomatic assessments of Iran's weapons program disclosed publicly for the first time Sunday.Secret cables reveal Iran has advanced missiles, is distrusted by U.S. allies in Gulf
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