Sunday, October 9, 2011

Mignini's "Keystone Kops" Arrest British Doctor and Wife for Wild Poppies on Property

Giuliano Mignini
Visit Historic Perugia
Get Arrested
Spend Time In Jail
Another tale of the Italian troll posing as a prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini.  This time he arrested a British doctor and his wife for wild poppies growing on their farm near Perugia, Italy.  Apparently, the poppies grew wild and on their own after the doctor had cleared the land during a restoration of the property.  Perugia's "Keystone Kops" arrested the doctor and his wife, both 58, in a dawn raid last Tuesday, sending an overwhelming force of patrol cars to apprehend the two, who spent the next three days in prison.  Apparently, the police believed the doctor to be growing illegal poppies for heroin production.
Clive Gillis, 58, was released yesterday after three days in prison when a judge threw out the case against him and his wife Nina. Mrs Gillis was freed from the hospital ward of a women's jail.

The GP from Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, was the victim of jealousy from his neighbours, according to Niclaflavia Restivo, the judge who ruled the case lacked "any serious evidence".
So once again we see how easily it is for innocent people in Perugia, Italy to have their lives upset and their freedom abruptly ended for dubious reasons.  Since the Amanda Knox travesty, however, Perugian judges seem to be on the lookout for such nonsense, well aware that the world is watching.

It is amazing to me just how ready the Perugian police are to arrest first and ask questions later.  Couldn't they have performed an initial investigation first?  Interviewed the doctor, ran a background check?  Discussed a possible arrest with a judge in advance?  But no, the spirit of Mussolini is alive and well and living in Perugia.

Read it all here.

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