Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Note to Liberals: You Are Responsible for Anders Breivik's Violent Rampage

Alex Pareene of Salon Magazine
I just read some silly screed by Alex Pareene at the foolish liberal website, Salon.com.  Pareene insists that Anders Breivik (the Norway shooter) is a Christian, and his article shows Breivik's face framed by the outline of a cross.

What was Pareene's point?  He doesn't say.  Perhaps it was to say that Christian terrorists are a danger to the world (a conclusion that is nonsense) or that Christian dogma can lead to acts of terrorism (again, sheer nonsense).  Pareene seems to be simply taking a potshot at Christians because liberals detest Christians and/or the Christian religion.  There is no point in identifying Breivik as a Christian unless his religious beliefs were a factor in his shooting rampage.  Clearly, they were not.  Breivik stated in his manifesto that he was not particularly religious.  He wrote:
I fully support that the Church gains more or less monopoly on religion in Europe (government policies, school curriculum etc at least) in addition to granting the Church several concessions which have been taken from them the last decades.

As for the Church and science, it is essential that science takes an undisputed precedence over biblical teachings. Europe has always been the cradle of science and it must always continue to be that way.

Regarding my personal relationship with God, I guess I’m not an excessively religious man. I am first and foremost a man of logic. However, I am a supporter of a monocultural Christian Europe.
The truth is, it was not Breivik's religion that caused him to murder 77 people last week; it was leftist politicians who convinced him that those who dissent from liberal orthodoxy will always be marginalized, stigmatized, ridiculed and slandered. He gave up on working through the political process, believing that process to be too compromised to ever be effective in reversing the damage caused by Marxism, multiculturalism and massive Islamic immigration.  He wrote:
An increasing number of Europeans are opening their eyes to the reality that the democratical struggle through dialogue has been lost. The cultural Marxists have institutionalised multiculturalism and have no intention of ever allowing us to exercise any political influence of significance. In theory we, the cultural conservatives of Europe, have become slaves under an oppressive, tyrannical, extreme left-wing system with absolutely no hope of reversing the damage they have caused. At least not democratically..

It is meaningless to participate in the democratical process when you are not allowed to raise important issues without being subjected to political and social persecution through stigmatisation and ridicule. It is time to acknowledge that we, the cultural conservatives of Western Europe, are deceiving ourselves to believe that it is remotely possible to change the system democratically....We have never and will never be allowed to ever exercise any influence. The cultural Marxist/multiculturalist elites nationally and in Brussels have for the last five decades created a resilient system whose objective is to ridicule, persecute, harass and silence us. They will continue to systematically marginalise us until the day when we are no longer a threat to them.
So what did the liberals do after Breivik's shooting spree?  They proved him right in his conclusions stated above.  They began an extensive campaign to blame Breivik's anger on conservatives -- anger that the left itself caused.  In so doing, they did what Breivik claimed:  they slandered us in an attempt to stigmatize, ridicule, and ultimately, silence us.

It was this cynical, Machiavellian, dishonest and slanderous leftist propaganda that eventually pushed Breivik over the edge.  It is liberals and the left who are responsible for the killing spree that followed.

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