Friday, July 1, 2011

Pamela Geller In Denial Over Flap She Caused

Pamela Geller is in deep denial of her mishandling of the English Defence League (EDL) controversy -- a controversy that she largely created.

Instead of retracting her statements about the alleged fascism within the EDL, she is now attacking the bloggers (that includes me) who signed the Gates of Vienna "Open Letter to Pamela Geller."  She is saying that we signers are ignoring the racism within the EDL (no racism has been proved or documented) and thereby sanctioning it.  Further, we are "Machiavellian" for asking her to recant.  Geller's intellectual dishonesty in the matter is over the top.

Lawrence Auster dissects Geller's arguments, e.g.:
[Geller said]Instead of working to purge the EDL of these vile elements, the signers of this Open Letter are trying to destroy those of us who seek to maintain the proper focus of our mission and the EDL's mission, which is fighting for freedom. 

[LA replies: No, the signers of the open letter were not seeking to destroy anyone. They were calling on Pamela to withdraw her irresponsible, outrageous, fact-free denuncation of the EDL, which now, in a very dishonest and indirect way,-- denying that she is doing what she is actually doing--she has done.] 
Geller also slimes Gates of Vienna with more unproven accusations.  She writes:
At the same time, and probably not coincidentally, Gates of Vienna has become a home for many anti-Semitic rants that are deeply disturbing; not only are these sanctioned by the proprietors, but they’ve added to the chorus.
I have been reading "Gates of Vienna" for years and I have never seen an "anti-semitic rant" posted there.  Geller seems to be self-destructing in an orgy of falsehood, slander and hyberbole -- and again, with no specifics or examples to support her accusation.

In fairness, Geller has been under extreme pressure, being sued by a Muslim attorney allegedly for slander, for millions of dollars, and for having her name dragged through the mud for years by Muslims and leftists like the despicable Southern Poverty Law Center.  Perhaps the pressure has finally gotten to her and she hopes to gain a modicum of peace by sacrificing the EDL to the gods of liberalism, as if to say, "see, I'm not a racist hater, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!"

I think Geller has developed a form of shell-shock, or post traumatic stress syndrome, which Webster describes as "mentally confused, upset, or exhausted as a result of excessive stress."  Few of us have to undergo this kind of stress, but Pamela, this is no reason to go kapo on us.  Many of the leaders of the EDL have faced the same extreme pressure, or worse.  As the Open Letter states:
For the past two years the English Defence League has been on the front lines of the resistance to sharia and militant Islam in England. Its leaders have put their own lives in danger by doing so. They live under constant threat, not just from murderous Muslim zealots, but from their own government, which has harassed and arrested them repeatedly. Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL, has been arrested multiple times, and is currently facing trumped-up charges designed to put him and the EDL out of action.
Pamela is not the only one under extreme pressure from the left, and betraying allies is not a solution.

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