Monday, July 25, 2011

Norway Shooter "Inspired" by Right Wing Bloggers and Writers?

Some leftwing ass blames Pamela Geller for inciting Breivik.  Wendy said...
You lost me at "lone psychopath". Your words (no matter how insipid, idiotic, or meaningless) unfortunately do matter. Who are you trying to convince with this post? The "sharia-compliant media"? Your readers? Yourself? You are part of this man's narrative. If I were you (and clearly, I am not, for any number of reasons), this would be the time to evaluate my life choices and the ideas I am presentingto the world. I suspect that sadly, you are not capable of such introspection.
I tried to respond to this idiot at Pamela Geller's site (defending her) but apparently Geller has banned me from commenting.  I rebutted Geller soundly (and deservedly) a few weeks back when she unfairly attacked the English Defence League.  Okay, Pamela can be small but she is NOT responsible for Breivik's mass murder in Norway.  Here's why, based on my actual reading of Breivik's manifesto:

Breivik quotes from numerous authors and references in his "manifesto," including:  John Locke, the Bible, the Encylopedia Brittanica, George Orwell, Thomas Hobbes, John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke, Ayn Rand, William James, Winston Churchill, Pope Urban II, King Richard I, Charles Martel, Vladimir Putin, Plato, Frederich Hayek, the Los Angeles Times, various middle eastern scholars and authors...among others.

So should all these people hang their heads in shame?  Shall we illogically conclude that the writings of these folks provoked Breivik's act of insanity?  Of course not.  Leftists like Wendy are neither logical nor fair and have no intention of being so.  To them, politics is "war by other means."  So perhaps they shouldn't be surprised when some nut decides to take "politics" to the next level.

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