Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Paul Gilding is Full (of It): When Enviro Whack Jobs Attack

The enviro whack jobs are at it again.  Leading the charge this time is Paul Gilding, Australian Enviro-Alarmist who insists that "the earth is full," that over-population has reached a crisis point, and that we are all doomed by global warming, higher food prices, depleted resources, yada yada yada.  Gilding's ideas are described in the New York Times by Thomas L. Friedman in an article called "The Earth is Full."

The answer:  more draconian governmental controls over people and businesses, less economic activity, more poverty, less individual freedom, a reduced lifestyle.  Green is the new Red.  If you disagree, you are just in denial.  Gilding cites the work of the Global Footprint Network, which claims that humans are using the earth's resources at unsustainable rates.  How the GFN came up with this calculation is anyone's guess, but they are not the first environmental doom-sayers to come along in recent years.  Paul Ehrlich's book "The Population Bomb" came out in 1968 to announce that mass starvation would occur in the 1970's and 1980's due to overpopulation of the planet.  Ehrlich was wrong -- the disaster didn't happen.  As for overpopulation, demographic studies show that populations in the Europe, Russia, Japan and elsewhere are in decline -- their populations are shrinking and in some cases, being displaced by massive immigration from the Muslim world.

There is a pattern among the environmental alarmists:  they describe dooms-day scenarios for humankind, insist that we have already passed some critical point, making disaster unavoidable, and that mankind must immediately submit to a kind of fascism to curtail or at least lessen the unavoidable and looming catastrophe.  Needless to say, the solution seems to lie in a one-world government, presided over by a committee of environmentalists.  They will tell us, no doubt, who can produce what, when and where, and who may consume it.

Sounds like Marxism to me.

Update:  A related article shows the economic destruction wreaked by the Green Freaks:  California's Green Jihad.

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