Saturday, May 28, 2011

American Culture is Being Slowly Erased and Replaced

With my breaking the story of the Soquel High School suspensions, I got my very first Memeorandum page, a blogging milestone.  That was nice.  Lots of local folks weighing in on the Soquel post, some saying the kids deserved their suspensions for past "sins" (like wearing American flag t shirts to school on Cinco de Mayo).

Apparently, someone has been putting Nazi symbol graffiti around the school, and this group of white students is suspected of being the culprits, and suspicion is good enough to want to suspend them.   They couldn't prove the graffiti guilt, so they had to prove something easier, i.e. that the students were wearing white t shirts.

It seems to me that the program and goal of many universities and high schools in America is to erase America, replacing it with something else.  In general, they do this by: 
(1) Supporting and celebrating the culture, traditions, language and history of "the other," that is, nonwhite minorities, while claiming that doing the same for the white majority is offensive and racist;
(2) Instilling in the minds of the white students that they and their ancestors are evil oppressors, and that by the very color of their skin they are suspect and untrustworthy, deserving of shame and repentance;
(3) Justifying anti-American and anti-white attitudes in minorities by giving undue credence to their grievances and prejudices, and by reinforcing their status as "oppressed victims" at the hands of Americans or white people;
(4) Instilling in the minds of all students that it is a crime for any white people to be proud of their race or their heritage, causing knee-jerk reactions against any alleged "thought crimes," e.g. that celebrating Cinco de Mayo may not be appropriate or desirable for a public school activity in America.  (Hispanic kids should be assimilated into American culture and become Americans, instead of encouraged to remain separate and apart from, and hostile to, America.)

As for the white kids who understandably feel alienated by the leftist culture that surrounds them on campus, they should find more effective means of resistance.  Shouting "white power" or adopting Nazi symbols (if that is the case) is absolutely not the way.  Also, being white is something many patriots have in common, but no one should be excluded from a pro-American resistance movement based simply on their race.  Attitudes and beliefs are more important.  We need all the friends we can get.

What is an effective way for alienated pro-American kids to resist leftist indoctrination on campus?  That is a question worthy of some serious thought.  I don't currently have the answer.  Suggestions?

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