Monday, March 14, 2011

The Palestinians are Scum

Palestinian passes out sweets to celebrate
murder of small children (hat tip Sultan Knish)
Fogel Family Murdered in Israel
(Hat tip Moonbattery via Hyscience)
Last Friday some Palestinian thugs broke through a fence and entered an Israeli town.  There, they picked a house at random, broke in and proceeded to stab to death an Israeli family in their sleep.  The murders included the mother, the father, an 11 year old child, a four month old toddler and a 3 month old baby.   Palestinians in Gaza passed out sweets to celebrate the murders and Iran publicly approved.

This incident reminds me of an ancient atrocity committed by the False Prophet of Islam, one hairy maniac by the name of Muhammad.  Mu told three of his henchman to go kill a Jew in the middle of the night as he slept in his bed.  What had the Jew done to deserve this?  Nothing.  He was just a Jew, a group of people who denied the prophethood of the hairy moron.  So the three animals broke into the Jew's house and stabbed him with swords as he slept.  After the murder, they returned to Mu and asked who got credit for the kill.  Mu examined the sword blades of all three, and detected food on one of them, no doubt the Jew's last dinner.  Mu then awarded the honor of Top Cretin to the man who owned that sword.  Today cows remember this incident by calling out the name of the "Holy Prophet" of Islam:  they cry Moo!  Moo!  Moo!  Then they defecate in his honor.  The big round cow pies are said to contain all the humanity, spirituality and good looks of the Islamic prophet himself.  They smell the same, too.

Just another story (most of it true) in the wonderful history of Islam.  If it offends anyone, good!  Personally, I find mass murder rather offensive, but that's just me.

The Palestinians are scum.  Israel should build settlements throughout the West Bank, retake Gaza and push the Palestinians completely out of Israel.  I'd pass out sweets in celebration of that.

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